Alzheimer’s Disease:

Click here for articles and reports that can be helpful for you and those you care for:


Click here for resources:


Click here for lifestyle and independent living resources:Lifestyle & Independent Living | Epilepsy Foundation

National Family Caregivers Month:

Click here for caregiver mental health resources:

and National Family Caregiver Support Program

Assistive Technology:

Click here for AT resources from the CT State Library: Assistive Technology - Libraries and Accessibility - LibGuides Home at Connecticut State Library.

Assistive Technology (AT) is crucial in helping people avoid or overcome social isolation. Among AT users who said they experienced social isolation, 37% said their AT helped them cope with isolation “most of the time” or “always” and 43% said “sometimes.” Only 20% said “rarely” or “never.

Click here for a Ted Talk on AT: Rebecca Knill: How technology has changed what it's like to be deaf | TED Talk


PTSD Awareness Month: NIMH-Funded Researcher Discusses PTSD- Learn the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and the latest research on PTSD.

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month:

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month:

A colorful graphic with hibiscus flowers and waves reads "Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month"

A colorful graphic with hibiscus flowers and waves reads "Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month"

To shine the spotlight on individuals with disabilities who are members of the AAPI community click on the links below:

-Ollie Cantos: A Driving Force in Reshaping Intersectional Visibility

-Sneha Dave: Super Talent Creates Network for Teens and Young Adults with Chronic Health Conditions

-Tammy Duckworth: Senator Serves as Role Model for Many

-Shaina Ghuraya: Triple Threat Creates Space for Spectacular Intersectional Stories to Grow

-Mazie Hirono: Hawaii Senator Recognized for Leadership as an Immigrant and as a Person with a Disability

-Steve Lee: Disabled Comedian Breaks Down Stereotypes Through Jokes

"April Is" awareness graphic
"Abril es" gráfico de concientización

Care Worker Awareness Month

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Awareness Month

Limb Loss + Limb Difference Awareness Month

National BIPOC Health Awareness Month