The links below will connect you with other disability related resources in Connecticut. They are categorized to help you quickly identify resources that may be helpful. For publications, please see the publications section under this Tab. Click here to see our Disability Resource Directory. Each website link you click on will open a new window.
Abuse and Neglect
9-1-1 (Call or Text in CT): If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If it’s not safe to speak on the phone, or you do not speak, enter the numbers 911 in the “To” field, and text the exact location of the emergency, briefly describe what kind of help you need, then push the “Send” button.
Abuse and Neglect Department of Developmental Services CT Sheet:
Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies: Provides victim case management to support the safety, stability, and healing of victim of crime and their families. Services can include: assistance with Victims Compensation Program process, advocacy and emotional support, crisis intervention services, safety planning, and information about the Connecticut Court and Criminal Justice System. Contact to find a location nearest you. Telephone: (860) 571-0093 Email: Website:
Court-based Victim Services Advocate: In conjunction with the court system, this office provides services to obtain victim compensation, victim notification, victim advocacy, hotline services, sexual assault forensic examiners program, and other victim resources. Address: 225 Spring Street, 4th Floor, Wethersfield, CT 06109. Telephone: (800) 822-8428 Email: Website:
Crisis Text Line: Text from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor for free, 24/7. Text: “CT” to 741741 Website:
Critical Incident Reporting: For people receiving services including CT Home Care Program for Elders, the PCA Waiver and the ABI I & II Waiver. A Critical Incident is an actual or alleged event, incident or course of action involving the perceived or actual threat to a client’s health, welfare or ability to remain in the community. Contact: Kathy Bruni (860) 424-5177 email:
Deaf National Domestic Violence Hotline: Available 24/7. The Hotline strives to educate the public about the need for Deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing abuse outreach programs. The safe and strictly confidential services that The Hotline offers to Deaf survivors can be life-saving. We have partnered with the Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) to ensure Deaf advocates are available to respond through email, Instant Messenger, and video phone to those seeking help. Telephone: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY); 1-855-812-1001(Video Phone) Email: Website:
Domestic Violence Crisis Connecticut 24-hour Hotline: For counseling services, support groups, emergency shelter, general support services and to be connected to the nearest domestic violence agency. An advocate from the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence can talk with you about your needs and help you identify shelters, programs and other resources. All services are free and confidential. Please call our 24-hour statewide, toll-free domestic violence hotline at 888-774-2900 (English) or 844-831-9200 (Español). Website:
Long-Term Care Investigations: The DSS Social Work Services Division runs this program, the reporting to and investigation of abuse, neglect and exploitation of nursing home residents. Telephone: (860) 424-5964. Website:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Telephone: (800) 273-8255 (voice); 988 (Sorenson VideoPhone) (800) 799-4889 (TTY); (888) 628-9454 (ayuda en Español) Online chat: Website:
Office of the Victim Advocate: May be able to provide compensation for expenses incurred such as medical services, funeral expenses, return of personal property used to investigate crime, protection from being fired, harassed or in any manner retaliated at work for attending court. Address: 505 Hudson St., 5th Floor Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (888) 771-3126 Email: Website:
Representative Payee Financial Exploitation: If you feel the Representative Payee has in some fashion misused the benefits being issued for the beneficiary through Social Security i.e. SSI/SSDI, contact the Fraud Hotline. Provide as much identifying information as possible regarding the suspect. Such information should include:
o Name of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
o Social Security Number of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
o Date of birth of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
o Details regarding the allegation, such as when it happened, how the abuse was committed, and where the abuse took place
Telephone: (800) 269-0271 (voice); (866) 501-2101 (TTY). Link:
Sexual Violence Crisis Connecticut 24-hour Hotline: All direct services through our member centers are free and confidential. Call our statewide 24/7 toll-free hotlines to speak with a certified sexual assault crisis counselor. Telephone: (888) 999-5545 (English), (888) 568-8332 (Spanish). Email: Website:
The Trevor Project: Our trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline or go online to use the chat feature. Telephone (866) 488-7386 (voice). Text: “START” to 678678. Website:
Victims 17 years old or younger, Department of Children and Families (DCF): focuses on working with families and communities to improve child safety, to ensure that more children have permanent families, and to advance the overall well-being of children. To report abuse or neglect call the DCF Careline at: (800) 842-2288 (Toll-Free in CT, Voice); (800) 624-5518 (Toll-Free in CT, TTY). Website:
Victims 60 years and older, Elderly Protective Services: Provides protective services for people aged 60 and over from physical, mental and emotional abuse, neglect (including self-neglect), abandonment and/or financial abuse and exploitation. Crisis and social work intervention, counseling, safeguarding, advocacy and monitoring are among services provided by social workers after a state ombudsman refers cases. Reporting: To make a report, call Protective Services for the Elderly at the Department of Social Services during business hours at the toll-free line: (888) 385-4225. After business hours or on weekends or state holidays, please call Infoline at 2-1-1. If you are calling from outside Connecticut, call Infoline 24/7 at (800) 203-1234. Website:
Victims of Child Physical and Sexual Abuse, Adult Sexual Assault, Community and Family Violence Services: Greater Hartford Family Advocacy Center offers education, forensic interviews, court advocacy and accompaniment, psychoeducational support groups, victim advocacy, victim compensation/victim rights, community support and organizing, basic and emergency needs, mental health resources, and community referrals. No police involvement necessary but are able to assist with reporting if needed. All services are free and open to anyone regardless of immigration status. Address: 1000 Asylum Ave, Suite 1020, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (860) 714-5052 (office); (860) 714-5864 (intake). Website:
Victims with Developmental Disabilities, Abuse Investigation Division (AID): Call to report the abuse or neglect of an individual with an intellectual disability between the ages of 18 and 59, this division is now located at the Department of Developmental Services. They can be reached at Telephone: (844) 878-8923 (Voice). Website:
Alternatives to Guardianship/SDM
ABLE National Resource Center: Disability Savings account, offers information on and a pathway to applying for an ABLE account which is a tax-advantage savings account that can fund disability expenses. Telephone: (202) 638-6094 Website:
Connecticut Supported Decision-Making Manual: Created by the members of the Connecticut Supported Decision-Making Coalition. This manual is written for individuals who need support and those who support them. You will read how Supported Decision-Making in Connecticut can be used in place of more restrictive means, such as guardianship and conservatorship, to preserve a person’s autonomy and independence, while still providing the person with support from his or her family, friends, and community. Link: [ENGLISH] [ESPAÑOL]
National Resource Center for Supported Decision Making: Everyone has the Right to Make Choices. Supported Decision-Making is a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so. Telephone: (203) 448-1448 Email: Website:
Pamphlets on Conservators: created by the Connecticut Legal Rights Project. Website:
Practice Tools for Lawyers: Steps in Supported Decision-Making by the ABA. Website:
Representative Payee Fraud: If you feel the Representative Payee has in some fashion misused the benefits being issued for the beneficiary through Social Security i.e. SSI/SSDI, contact the Fraud Hotline. Provide as much identifying information as possible regarding the suspect. Such information should include:
Name of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Social Security Number of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Date of birth of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Details regarding the allegation, such as when it happened, how the abuse was committed, and where the abuse took place
Telephone: (800) 269-0271 (voice); (866) 501-2101 (TTY). Link:
SDM Training and Technical Assistance Center: Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is gaining momentum in Massachusetts and nationwide. Center for Public Representation has developed toolkits, a resource library, and a sample Supported Decision-Making Agreement form. Telephone: (413) 586-6024 Email: Website:
Americans with Disabilities Act
ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities: Anyone can freely reproduce and distribute this checklist, but we require that proper attribution to the New England ADA Center. It includes areas as the entrance, access to good and services, toilet rooms, drinking fountains, public telephones, fire alarms, amusement rides, fishing facilities, golf facilities, play areas, miniature golf facilities, swimming pools, exercise machines & equipment, bowling lanes, team or player sitting, spas, recreational boating facilities, and more. Telephone: (617) 695-0052 (voice/TTY). Email: Website:
ADA Update - A Primer for Small Businesses: This document provides information to assist small business owners and clients in understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it affects everyday services. Link:
Americans with Disabilities Act Coalition of Connecticut, INC. (ADACC): Informs Connecticut citizens about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and works to foster voluntary compliance with the requirements of the ADA. It provides information, training, and technical assistance on rights and responsibilities under the ADA. Telephone: (860) 800-2232 (Voice). Email: Website:
Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: Posted by the U.S. Department of Education.
Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO): A person who feels they have been discriminated against on the basis of a protected class (ex. disability, race, gender identity, sexual orientation) may file a complaint with the CHRO. CHRO receives and investigates complaints alleging discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and credit transactions. Where a violation is found, the CHRO will attempt to negotiate appropriate relief or bring the issues to a hearing. Generally speaking, CHRO complaints must be filed within 300 days of the date of the alleged act of discrimination if the complaint involves employment, credit transactions, and places of public accommodations made against state agencies. Complaints of discrimination in housing or in places of public accommodations other than those involving a state agency must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged act of discrimination. A person wishing to file a complaint should contact an intake officer at one of the CHRO’s regional offices, except a person wishing to file a housing complaint should file at CHRO’S Central Office. CHRO’s Central Office is located at 450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 2, Hartford, CT 06103. Telephone: (860) 541-3400 (Voice); (860) 541-3459 (TTY); (800) 477-5737 (Toll-Free in CT, Voice/TTY). Website:
Connecticut Department of Transportation ADA/504: To submit a complaint that a program, service, or activity of CTDOT is not accessible to persons with disabilities you may contact the CTDOT ADA Coordinator, who can forward you to the appropriate person/organization to address your concern. Telephone: 860-594-2211 Email Link to the complaint form:
Correctional Facilities ADA Factsheet: Created by the Americans with Disabilities National Network
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DHMAS) - ADA Notice: To request reasonable accommodation and/or effective communication for equal access to DMHAS services, programs, or activities or if you have a complaint that a DMHAS service, program, or activity is not accessible, contact the facility Client Rights Officer (CRO). Telephone: (860) 418-7000 Link:
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Regarding requiring an accommodation in order to access DMV’s Facilities, programs or services, individuals should contact the Building Superintendent of Facilities at (860) 263-5326. If there is a need for a modification for effective communication to access services offered by DMV, including sign language, interpreters, and documents in Braille, individuals should contact the ADA Coordinator, Natalie Shipman, at (860) 263-5264. Website:
Department of Social Services – Requesting ADA Accommodations: DSS has ADA Liaisons attached to all 12 Field Offices, who directly assist and support individuals with disabilities who need a reasonable accommodation. To request a reasonable accommodation, contact the DSS Client Information Line & Benefits Center. Telephone: 855-626-6632. Email: Website:
Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA: Created by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section.
Institute for Human Centered Design: Committed to advancing the role of design in expanding opportunity and enhancing experience for people of all ages, abilities, and cultures through excellence in design. Telephone: 617-695-1225 (voice). Mailing Address: 200 Portland St., Suite 1, Boston, MA 02114. Email: Website:
Integrated Community Health Services: Pamphlet created by the Community Legal Rights Project.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN): Provides free assistance with disability employment issues and accommodations. They also provide guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation as well as self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 526-7234 (Toll-Free Voice), (877) 781-9403 (Toll Free TTY). Email: Website:
Judicial Branch-Connecticut, ADA Coordinator: The ADA contacts listed from this link are available to assist you gain equal access to a Judicial Branch facility, program, or service only. Email:
Long-Term Care Facility Accommodations: The Connecticut Long-Term Care Ombudsman can advocate for people living in long-term care facilities including skilled nursing homes, residential care homes, and assisted living residents who need accommodations due to a disability. Telephone: (860) 424-5200. Email: Website:
New England ADA Center: Facilitates voluntary and effective compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The New England ADA Center is one of ten regional disability and business technical assistance centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Center is a project of Adaptive Environments, Inc., a nonprofit organization. New England ADA Center is located at 180-200 Portland Street, Suite 1, Boston, Massachusetts 02114. Telephone: (800) 949-4232 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY). Email: Website:
Probate Court Request for Accommodations:
Testing Accommodations ADA Requirements, by the U.S. Department of Justice:
U.S. Access Board: The Access Board is an independent federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards. Address: 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004 Telephone: 202-272-0080, 800-872-2253 (toll-free). Fax: 202-272-0081 Email: Website:
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) - Connecticut - Civil Rights Division: The Civil Division maintains a Civil Rights enforcement program, which brings civil rights actions to enforce federal statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, religion, familial status and national origin and to recover damages for victims of civil rights violations. The majority of the civil rights cases are brought to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA). Address: 157 Church St. 25th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510. Telephone: (203) 821-3700. Fax: (203) 773-5376. Email: Website:
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)- Federal - Civil Rights Division: The primary goal of the Disability Rights section is to achieve equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the United States. You can file an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint alleging disability discrimination against a State or local government or a public accommodation (including, for example, a restaurant, doctor's office, retail store, hotel, etc.) by mail or online. Complaints must be submitted in writing, press option six (6) to report a violation of the ADA, please allow up to 90 days for a response. Address: 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section – 1425 NYA, Washington, D.C. 20530. Email: Telephone: (202) 514-3847 (Voice); (202) 514-0716 (TTY); (844) 491-4945 (fax). Link to file a complaint:
ADA Information Line: For technical questions, call (800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800) 514-0383. ADA Specialists are available to answer questions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time). On Thursday, the Information Line is staffed from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Assistive Technology
Alarm Clocks, Smoke Alarms, Flashing Doorbell signalers, and more: Diglo, previously known as Harris Communications, is an online vendor that anyone can buy accessible technology designed for people for are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and DeafBlind. Telephone: 800-825-6758, Videophone: (952) 388-2152. Email: Website:
CapTel: Captioning telephone to provide captions of everything your callers for Hard-of-hearing people. You can dial, speak, listen and read your conversation text on a larger display for free. Telephone: (800) 743-1219 (V/TTY). Email: Website:
Children's Services Program: The Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) provides educational services to children who are legally blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired. Telephone: (860) 602-4233 Email: Website:
Connecticut Assistive Technology Guidelines for Ages 3-21: Created by the Department of Education
Connecticut Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution: This application is open to CT residents that are deaf-blind and meet the income eligibility guidelines. Its purpose is to request assistive technology devices and services to effectively access telecommunication services, internet access services, and advanced communications, including interexchange services and advanced telecommunications. Address: ATTN: Muriel C.M. Aparo, Access Through Technology 55 Farmington Ave., 12th Floor, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (860) 424-5619 Fax: (860) 424-4850. Email: Website:
Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE): To be eligible, applicants must be 65 years of age or older, be a Connecticut resident, be at risk of nursing home placement and meet the program’s financial eligibility criteria. Services may include receiving assistance in obtaining assistive technology. Telephone: (800) 445-5394 (Toll-free), (860) 424-4904 (Voice). Website:
Connecticut Relay Service: A free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind, and speech-disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or computers/mobile devices via the Internet. Telephone: 844-997-3529. Email: Website:
Connecticut Tech Act Project: is a program whose goal is to assure that all citizens with disabilities have access to necessary assistive technology. This is accomplished through public awareness; systems change activities, training, advocacy, and services to individuals. Telephone: (800) 537-2549 (Toll Free in CT Voice); (860) 424-4881 (Voice); (860) 424-4839 (TTY). Website:
Dial 7-1-1 to Connect to a TTY user
EASTCONN Assistive Technology Program: Provides Adult Services through a partnership with the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and the Connecticut Tech Act Project. Consortium membership provides districts with customized and flexible support and services to meet the needs of students and staff. Consortium members can access an expanded library of AT tools for use in professional development, student assessment and trial use within their school districts. Telephone: Carol Magliocco (860) 228-3483. Email: Website:
How-To-Use IP Relay Mobile App: TTY services on a smartphone, making phone calls through texts. Website:
Live Transcribe: An Android app providing real-time transcription of speech and sound to text on cellphone screens, so people can more easily participate in conversations. People can also type a response on the screen. This app was developed by a Deaf research scientist, Dimitri Kanvesky, for the Deaf and hard of hearing and usable by anyone. Link:
Loans and Grants for Accessibility Program: AccesSolutions program provides a variety of home modifications and specialized equipment to people with disabilities who cannot afford modifications. Telephone: (860) 563-6011 Website:
New England ADA Center: Facilitates voluntary and effective compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The New England ADA Center is one of ten regional disability and business technical assistance centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Center is a project of Adaptive Environments, Inc., a nonprofit organization. New England ADA Center is located at 180-200 Portland Street, Suite 1, Boston, Massachusetts 02114. Telephone: (800) 949-4232 (Toll-Free, Voice/TTY). Email: Website:
New England Assistive Technology Center at Oak Hill (NEAT): A demonstration and an equipment restoration center. It is a place to learn about products and equipment that assist people with disabilities with day-to-day activities they have trouble doing themselves. The public may donate or purchase equipment. NEAT also offers workshops on various assistive technology topics. Contact NEAT at 33 Coventry St., Hartford, CT 06112. Telephone: (860) 243-2869 or toll-free at (866) 526-4492 (Toll-Free Voice), (860) 286-3113 (TTY/Voice). Email: Website:
Patient-Provider Communication Tools: New at using communication tools in the hospital? Read through this compilation of tips and tricks to interact with a variety of patients who have difficulty communicating when in the hospital. Link:
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT): Under this program Disability Rights Connecticut staff can provide advocacy and legal representation to individuals with disabilities who are trying to access assistive technology devices and services. DRCT also provides education and self–advocacy training people with disabilities, family members and others in an effort to increase knowledge about assistive technology devices and services. Address: 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Relay Conference Captioning: Provides free captioning services during phone calls and webinars. Website:
Speech-to-Speech Phone Services: A free service for people with a speech disability and are not comfortable talking directly on the phone, hung up on because of a speech impairment, or misunderstood. Telephone: (877) 787-1989. Website:
Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program: Connecticut residents who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind or speech-disabled are eligible to receive equipment in order to make phone calls through a landline at no charge. Telephone: (800) 743-1219 (V/TTY). Email: Website:
Telecommunications Sprint Vision Store for the Blind and Low vision Community: Sprint is committed to working with phone manufacturers and the blind and low vision community to deliver user-friendly accessible phones and discount phone plans. Telephone: 855-885-7568 Email: Website:
UCP of Eastern Connecticut: The AT Programs offer consultations and evaluations, training, presentations and demos to provide the right assistive technology for people with disabilities in CT. Telephone: (860) 443-3800. Email: Website:
Videophone for the Workplace: On-site videophones for phone calls are available for organizations with Deaf or speech-disabled employees who use ASL to communicate at no cost. Telephone: (866) 756-6729 (voice), (801) 386-8500 (Video Phone). Website:
Visual Fire Alarm Guide: Visual emergency alerting systems provide equal access and allow deaf people to evacuate safely during emergencies. Link:
Wavello: App where Hearing and Deaf callers can see each other, as well as the Sorenson Video Relay Service (VRS) interpreter. Link:
Wireless Equipment Program for Connecticut Residents: Submit an application to the Converse Communication Corporation to see if you qualify for wireless equipment to make phone calls (i.e., cellphone). Must be a Connecticut Resident with hearing loss. Email: Link:
Wireless For All: A website designed to help people with disabilities, seniors, veterans and their families and caretakers to find a cell phone and accessible wireless devices and services. Telephone: (202) 736-3200. Website:
Autism Services & Resources Connecticut: As the state leader in advocacy, training and family support, ASRC is here to enhance the lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as well as their families. Address: 101 North Plains Industrial Road, Harvest Park, Wallingford, CT 06492. Telephone: (203) 265-7717 Email: Website:
Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Council (ASDAC): The goal of ASDAC is to provide advice and counsel to the Commissioner of DSS regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the Autism Feasibility Study workgroup with the ultimate goal of designing and developing a state-wide service delivery system for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families, by building on existing infrastructure and resources and drawing on the experiences of other states. Website:
Autism Spectrum Disorder Waiver for Services: The Department of Social Services Waiver for Persons with Autism provides home-and community-based services to individuals with autism who do not have an intellectual disability (a full IQ score of 70 or higher). To qualify, an individual must have substantial limitations in two or more of the following major life activities: (1) self-care, (2) understanding and use of language, (3) learning, (4) mobility, (5) self-direction, or (6) capacity for independent living. The functional impairments must have been diagnosed before age 22 and be expected to continue indefinitely. Website:
Blue Envelope: The "Blue Envelope" was created to enhance communication between a police officer and a driver with autism spectrum disorder. Website:
Developmental Disabilities
Advocates’ Corner: The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Advocates' Corner provides information and resources to Connecticut Citizens with intellectual disabilities, their families, and professionals. This website focuses on, self-advocacy, independent living, employment, and health and safety for consumers. Telephone: Amy Blazawski (860) 622-2703. Website:
Birth-to-Three Program: A statewide early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. The system includes a range of services for children from birth to 36 months, such as home visits, therapies, developmental evaluation, parent support, and health services depending on the needs of the child and their family. INFOLINE (211) serves as the access point for the program. For information or to make a referral to the program, call: (800) 505-7000 (Toll-free, Voice/TTY). If you are already in Birth-to-Three, call (866) 888-4188. Website:
Community Companion Homes (CCH): The CCH model offers a family setting to people with intellectual disabilities. Families of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and composition are sought for the best possible match. Telephone: Thomas Marinak (860) 263-2546. Website:
Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD Council): is a governor-appointed body of people with disabilities, family members, and professionals who work together to promote full inclusion of all people with disabilities in community life. The Council on Developmental Disabilities is located at 460 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT, 06106. Telephone: (860) 418-6160 (Voice); (860) 418-6172 (TTY); (800) 653-1134 (Toll-free in CT/Voice). Website:
Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Help Line: to assist families who do not have a case manager to help access services. Help Line staff will assist in applying for DDS Family Support Services or refer you to the appropriate community resources and services. North Region - Help Line 1-877-437-4577, email: South Region - Help Line 1-877-437-4567, email: West Region - Help Line 1-877-491-2720, email:
Department of Developmental Services (DDS): Coordinates and oversees services for people of all ages with intellectual disability and persons medically diagnosed as having Prader-Willi Syndrome. These include: comprehensive case management services; autism services; community-based residential programs; supported living for people in their own residences, job training and supported employment, respite and other family support, and rehabilitative day programs. All services are subject to the availability of resources and may require a waiting period. Services and referrals to community resources are available through three regions. DDS’s Central Office is located at 460 Capitol Avenue – Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 418-6000 (Voice); (860) 418-6079 (TTY); (866) 737-0330 (Toll-Free, Voice/TTY) Website:
Eligibility for Department of Developmental Services (DDS): DSS eligibility Application forms
Healthy Friendships and Relationships: Created by the Advocates’ Corner, Department of Developmental Services. Website:
Independent Office of the Ombudsperson for Developmental Services: works on behalf of consumers of DDS’ services and their families. The Office addresses complaints or problems regarding access to services or equity in treatment. The Office of the Ombudsperson is located at 460 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 418-6047 (Voice); (866) 737-0331 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY). Website:
Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD): Under this program, it requires Disability Rights Connecticut as a “protection and advocacy system,” to be independent of service systems; to have access to client records; to have the authority to conduct investigations and to pursue legal and administrative remedies on behalf of clients of the Developmental Disabilities service system; to provide information and referral services; and to educate policymakers about issues of concern to persons with developmental disabilities. Individuals served under PADD must meet the definition of developmental disability as defined in the DD Act.
The DD Act defines Developmental Disabilities as chronic mental and/or physical impairments which manifests itself before the age of twenty-two. The impairments tend to be life long and result in substantial limitations in three or more of the major life areas: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-determination, capacity for independent living and economic self-sufficiency. Address: 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Request for a DDS Programmatic Administrative Review (PAR): An informal dispute resolution process offered to you, or your family member, guardian, or an advocate, if not satisfied with any decision related to:
Your eligibility, admission, placement evaluation, and assignment of programs and services;
Your care and treatment, or a change in a service you receive;
A change in, termination of, or discharge from, a service you are involved in;
Disagreements regarding any element of your Individual Plan.
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD): Assists people of all ages with disabilities to access the support and services they need to live independently. The Center promotes interdisciplinary collaboration across academic and community settings and serves as a resource for public policy development through the dissemination of research findings and information about best practices. The agency, part of the University of Connecticut, is located at: 270 Farmington Avenue, Suite 181, MC6222, Farmington, CT 06030. Telephone: (860) 679-1500 (Voice); (860) 679-1502 (TTY); (866) 623-1315 (Toll-Free Voice). Website:
Effective Communication
ADA Business Brief: Communicating with People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hospital Settings
Advisory Board for Persons Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Created to advocate, strengthen and advise the Governor and the General Assembly concerning state policies affecting persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and their relationship to the public, industry, health care, and educational opportunities. Telephone: Kathleen Sullivan (860) 424-5973. Email: Website:
ADA Training for Healthcare Providers Flyer: Free training about the obligations of healthcare providers under the Americans with Disabilities Act is available through the New England ADA Center. Please click on the following link to open up the flyer:
Advocacy Letters: These letters can be used to inform and help advocate for accommodations in working to achieve effective communication. Use these letters for a variety of settings including courses, schools, courts, attorneys/lawyers, police, parole and probation offices, festivals, concerts, conferences, theaters, long-term care facilities, healthcare providers, VRI in healthcare settings, televisions in public places, and more. For more questions reach out to the National Association of the Deaf. Telephone: (301) 328-1443 (Videophone/Voice) Email: Website:
American Sign Language “I Speak” card: Created by the Connecticut Department of Public Health to bring to along to appointments'%20class='no-direct-text-content'?la=en
American Sign Language Voter Assistance Hotline: It is very important that you vote and we know that voting information can be confusing and unclear. You can ask questions and get answers — in ASL! Telephone: (301) 818-8683 Website:
Assistive Hearing Technology Checklist: This checklist, developed by the Hearing Loss Association of America, goes through the requirements of microphone use, public address systems, assistive listening systems, batteries, signage, advertising, staff training, and maintenance. Telephone: (301) 657-2248 Email: Link:
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) Deaf Services Contact List: Consumers as young as 14 with a parents approval with significant disabilities who require vocational rehabilitation services to succeed in employment. Telephone: (860) 920-7163 (Videophone) Email: Link: Click here for the list.
Closed Captioning Complaint Line: If you have any issues with captioned TV programs, captioned videos over the internet, emergency information over the TV, or other related issues, contact the Federal Communications Commission. Telephone: (888) 225-5322 (voice), (844) 432-2275 (VideoPhone). Email: Link: If you have any issues filling out this form please call (888) 225-5322, press option 4.
Communication Advocacy Network (CAN): To provide auxiliary support services to statewide agencies who serve deaf or hard-of-hearing elderly (who require American Sign Language interpretation by native users of ASL) and Deaf-Blind, and Deaf Elderly persons. Address: 151 New Park Ave. Ste. 101 (83) Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 566-9489. Email: Website:
Connecticut Relay Service: A free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind, and speech-disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or computers/mobile devices via the Internet. Telephone:844-997-3529. Email: Website:
Connecticut Aging and Disability Services Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind Advocate: For ineffective accommodations for effective communication issues with state-funded services, please contact Alvin Chege at or by phone at 860-899-1551 (videophone).
Creating Access at Graduation Events: Graduation season is a busy time for Disability Service Offices, and many professionals have questions about providing communication access at graduation ceremonies. Link:
Creating Access at Internships and Field Experiences: Field experiences, such as internships, practicums, and clinicals, offer students the opportunity to gain the real-world knowledge and skills they need to become gainfully employed. Deaf students have a right to these opportunities and experiences in the same manner as their hearing peers. Link:
Crisis Text Line: Text from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor for free, 24/7. Text: “CT” to 741741
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter Connecticut Registry: This registration of all Sign Language, Oral, and Cued Speech Interpreters became effective October 1, 1998. Telephone: (860) 424-5055 Email: Website:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support for Families: Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN) has a program to support the Deaf and hard of hearing members in Connecticut. CTFSN gathers and shares resources with families of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. We try to hold support groups, trainings, events and encourage families to connect with one another. Join the email distribution list and Facebook group. Contact the Statewide Deaf/Hard of Hearing Family Support Coordinator, Heather Solomon. Telephone: (860) 564-7935 Email: Website:
Deaf Law Center: Provides nationwide representation. Contact for a free consultation regarding these areas of service: communication barriers, workplace discrimination, personal injury, and/or sexual abuse/harassment. Telephone: 646-807-4096 (Videophone) Email: Sheryl Eisenberg Michalowski Website:
Deaf National Domestic Violence Hotline: Available 24/7. The Hotline strives to educate the public about the need for Deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing abuse outreach programs. The safe and strictly confidential services that The Hotline offers to Deaf survivors can be life-saving. We have partnered with the Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) to ensure Deaf advocates are available to respond through email, Instant Messenger, and video phone to those seeking help. Telephone: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY); 1-855-812-1001 (Video Phone). Email: Website:
Deaf-Blind Advisory Committee: More information can be obtained from the Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind Address: 184 Windsor Ave. Windsor, CT 06095. Telephone: (860) 602-400. Website:
Department of Children and Families (DCF) – Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind Services: You may have the opportunity to work with a Deaf or Hard of Hearing parent or child. There are specific laws and general guidelines that should be adhered to when working with this population. Telephone: 860-550-6569 Email: Link:
Department of Developmental Services (DDS) – Interpretation Services: Department of Developmental Services (DDS) will provide appropriate aids and services, upon request, that assist in effective communication for a qualified person with a disability so he or she may participate equally in DDS programs, services, and activities. Email: Link:
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) Deaf/DeafBlind/Hard of Hearing Program and Services (DHOH): The mission of DMHAS/OMHE DHOH services is to ensure effective communication and equity in services. All persons who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, or Hard of Hearing in DMHAS services will have equal access to culturally and linguistically affirmative mental health and substance use services. Telephone: 860-418-7000 (TTY Relay 711) Website:
Department of Motor Vehicles - Americans with Disabilities Act Policy: With regard to requiring an accommodation in order to access DMV’s Facilities, programs, or services, individuals should contact the Building Superintendent of Facilities at (860) 263-5326. If there is a need for a modification for effective communication to access services offered by DMV, including sign language, interpreters, and documents in Braille, individuals should contact the ADA Coordinator, Natalie Shipman. Telephone: (860) 263-5264. Website:
Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Counseling Unit: Provides counseling related to special language, communication, and socioeconomic problems unique to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families, including:
Resources and referrals in the community;
Collaboration with agencies to provide cultural awareness related to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Kid of Deaf Adult/Children of Deaf Adult (KODA/CODA); and
Consultations and educational presentations.
Address: DORS Deaf and Hard of Hearing Counseling Unit 184 Windsor Ave. Windsor, CT 06095. Telephone: (860) 920-7163 (voice/videophone) Email: Website:
Department of Social Services (DSS): Delivers and funds a wide range of programs and services statewide and supports the basic needs of children, families, older and other adults, including persons with disabilities. Services are delivered through 12 field offices, central administration, and online and phone access options. With service partners, DSS:
provides federal/state food and economic aid, health care coverage, independent living and home care, social work, child support, home-heating aid, protective services for older adults, and more vital service areas.
HUSKY Health (Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program), including medical, dental, behavioral health, prescription medications, long-term services, and supports.
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).
DSS offers Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) / Language Translation Services Video Interpreting available onsite. If you would like an accommodation for any of the services provided by DSS, request the office’s ADA coordinator contact information. Telephone: (855) 626-6632 (Voice) or (800) 842-4524 (Toll Free/TTY). Website:
Effective Communication Resources: Want to know your rights in obtaining auxiliary aids and services such as sign language interpreters, materials in braille, and more, under the ADA? Check Disability Rights Connecticut’s list of complied resources regarding effective communication for people with disabilities. Link:
Employment Discrimination: Inquiries and intake interviews are typically the first steps for people seeking to file an employment discrimination complaint. For information about the filing process and which center to file, contact the Information Intake Group at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Telephone: (800) 669-4000 (Voice), (844) 234-5122 (Videophone), (800) 669-6820 (TTY). Email: Website:
How to Alert 9-1-1 to Your Special Needs: If you want the 9-1-1 operator and emergency response staff, (that is the police department, fire department, or emergency medical staff) to know that you, or someone living in your household, has a medical condition or disability, complete and mail the attached form. Link:
Independent Living Centers – American Sign Language Advocates: Are you seeking assistance in ASL for advocacy, benefits counseling, effective communication access, independent living skills, filing applications for government benefits and more? Contact the nearest Independent Living Center (ILC) ASL advocate in your area. If you need assistance finding the right ASL advocate contact Brynn Hickey at Telephone: (860) 237-4515 (videophone). Link to a list of ASL advocates:
Job Interview - Obtaining an Interpreter: It may be necessary to obtain a qualified interpreter for a job interview, because for many jobs the applicant and interviewer must communicate fully and effectively to evaluate whether the applicant is qualified to do the job. For more information contact the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) for free technical assistance. Telephone: (800) 826-7234 (voice). Email: Link:
Law Enforcement Office ADA Guide - Communicating with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Created by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section. As a law enforcement officer, you can expect to come into contact with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is estimated that up to nine percent of the population has some degree of hearing loss, and this percentage will increase as the population ages. Link:
Letter to Healthcare Providers Regarding Effective Communication: This advocacy letter was developed by the National Association of the Deaf to inform healthcare providers of their obligations under the ADA. Link:
List of Sign Language Interpreting Agencies in Connecticut: A compiled list of sign language interpreting agencies that serve Connecticut. These resources are provided for informational purposes only. DRCT does not guarantee the quality of services you may receive from these resources. We encourage you to look into each of these resources in order to make your own final decision. Click here to open the file.
List of ADA Coordinators for Connecticut’s Hospitals: This document, developed by the Connecticut Hospital Association, contains the names and contact information of the ADA coordinators for the hospitals in Connecticut. Link: List of ADA Coordinators for Connecticut's Hospitals.
Long-Term Care Facility Accommodations: The Connecticut Long-Term Care Ombudsman can assist people living in long-term care facilities including skilled nursing home, residential care home and assisted living residents who need accommodations to achieve effective communication. Telephone: (860) 424-5200 Email: Website:
Meeting with a Lawyer-Effective Communication for People who are Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or DeafBlind Booklet: A publication from Disability Rights Connecticut on the rights of clients with disabilities to effective communication while being represented by an attorney. Link to publication:
National ASL Interpreter Directory: As the hiring entity, you have the option to hire individuals directly or through an interpreter service agency. To begin your search, go to our searchable database and search by city and/or state. Not all interpreters and/or agencies are RID members and, as a result, may not be listed. If you have difficulty finding a resource in your area, please contact us. For a nominal charge, specially tailored member searches can be ordered. Telephone: (703) 838-0030, option # (voice), (571) 384-5163 (videophone) Email: Link:
National Association of the Deaf: Resources on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) legal questions for providing accommodations such as auxiliary aids and services for effective communication. Phone: (301) 328-1443 (videophone/voice), (301) 587-1789 (TTY) Email: Website:
New England Consortium on Deafblindness: Assisting state and local education agencies in developing the capacity to serve children and youth who are deafblind. Address: 175 North Beacon Street Watertown, MA 02472. Telephone: (617) 924-3434 Email: Website:
Options to file an ADA complaint in Medical Settings: This document was developed by Disability Rights Connecticut to inform people of their options to file a complaint regarding ADA inaccessibility in medical settings. Link: Options on filing an ADA complaint in medical settings document
Template Accommodation Request Letter for Effective Communication: This template, created by Disability Rights Connecticut, is to request a disability-related accommodation is for public use for people who are requesting an American Sign Language Interpreter or any other auxiliary aids/services. Link:
Patient-Provider Communication Tools: New at using communication tools in the hospital? Read through this compilation of tips and tricks to interact with a variety of patients who have difficulty communicating when in the hospital. Link:
Reading Assistance: Need help translating documents from English to ASL? Contact your local Independent Living Center.
Reasonable Accommodation for the Job Application Process: This factsheet, developed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), addresses common questions about how the ADA protects applicants with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 669-4000. Link:
Self-Advocacy for Effective Communication in Medical Settings Folder: Technology and services are available for people who have disabilities that affect hearing, seeing, speaking, reading, writing, or understanding in order to participate more independently in their medical care. Disability Rights Connecticut (DRCT) and the Connecticut Association of the Deaf (CAD) established the Effective Communication Self-Advocacy Resource Folder. To request a hard copy of the folder, or training, send an email to the Connecticut Association of the Deaf (CAD), President, Luisa Gasco-Soboleski, or download an online copy:
Social Security Administration Discrimination Complaint Form: The deadline to file a complaint of discrimination is within 180 days of the event. For questions about or assistance with the civil rights discrimination complaint process, contact us. Telephone: (866) 574-0374 Email: Link:
Social Security Administration, ADA Reasonable Accommodation Request: You may request a reasonable accommodation for an upcoming appointment. Telephone: (800) 772-1213 (voice); (800) 325-0778 (TTY) between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may also write or visit your local Social Security office. Website:
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Videophone Line: Inquiries and intake interviews are typically the first steps for people seeking to file an employment discrimination complaint. For information about the filing process and which center to file, contact the Information Intake Group at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Telephone: (800) 669-4000 (Voice), (844) 234-5122 (Videophone), (800) 669-6820 (TTY). Email: Website:
Video Phone Application, Phone for the Deaf by Sorenson Communications: Sorenson Communications provides free ntouch accounts exclusively for deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals who require VRS to place and receive calls. Telephone: (801) 287-9403 Email: Website: PDF:
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Access Card: Outlines the requirements for a video remote interpreter device (VRI) in order to be effective, developed by the National Association of the Deaf.
Visual Fire Alarm Guide: Visual emergency alerting systems provide equal access and allow deaf people to evacuate safely during emergencies. Link:
Emergency Preparedness
Accessible Emergency Announcements on Television: The Federal Communications Commission rules require broadcasters and cable operators to make certain emergency information accessible in English to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to persons who are blind or have visual disabilities. Telephone: (888) 225-5322 (voice), (844) 432-2275 (VideoPhone). Email: Link:
Alert 9-1-1 to Your Special Needs: Complete this form to inform the police department, fire department, ambulance, or other emergency response agencies to know about medical conditions or disabilities when you’re calling 9-1-1 in an emergency. Must have a landline. Address: Frontier Communications, Enhanced 9-1-1 DBMS Group, 310 Orange St. 2nd Floor, New Haven, CT 06510. Telephone: (203) 771-1507 Email: Link:
Checklist for People with Disabilities Emergency Preparedness by DPH: by the Connecticut Department of Public Health
Connecticut Emergency Alerting and Notification System: Get alerts about Connecticut wherever you are with CT ENS Citizen Sign up. Notifications may be sent through emails, phone calls, or text messages. Email: Website:
CT Ready! Personal Preparedness Guide: A Guide for Personal Preparedness, 3 steps to be prepared for any emergency. Developed by the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. Available in multiple languages. If you would like to order a physical copy of the English or Spanish version, email: or click on this link:
Inclusive Disaster Strategies Hotline: Provides disaster case management for people with disabilities, eligible as a result of Federal Disaster Declarations. Telephone: (800) 626-4959 Email: Website:
Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs: This booklet will help people with disabilities prepare and emergency plan to protect themselves, family, friends, personal care assistant and others in the support network in the event of an emergency, created by FEMA. Link:
Sign up for the Governor’s Email Updates: Get updates from Governor Ned Lamont straight to your inbox. Website:
Text-to-911: Now available in Connecticut, if you need help but can’t speak safely on the phone, are don’t speak, use your mobile phone to send a test message to 9-1-1.
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (the Partnership): The only national membership organization with a mission of equal access to emergency and disaster programs before, during and after disasters for people with disabilities. We are the nation’s experts on disability rights, accessibility and inclusion throughout all phases of disaster operations. The Partnership’s Disaster Hotline provides information, referrals, guidance, technical assistance and resources to people with disabilities, their families, allies, organizations assisting disaster impacted individuals with disabilities and others seeking assistance with immediate and urgent disaster related needs. The Disaster Hotline is always available for intake calls, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Telephone: (800) 626-4959. Email: Website:
Tips for Emergency Personnel - Supporting People with Unique Access or Functional Needs (Including Disabilities): Created by the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities. Link:
Visual Fire Alarm Guide: Visual emergency alerting systems provide equal access and allow deaf people to evacuate safely during emergencies. Link:
Accommodation Request Sample Letter: The ADA does not include specific guidelines or forms for requesting reasonable accommodation. However, some employers have developed in-house forms. If so, employees should use the employer's forms for requesting accommodation. Otherwise, individuals with disabilities can use any method that is effective; the ADA does not require specific language or format. The Job Accommodation Network developed an example of an accommodation request letter. Email: Website:
American Job Centers: Offer no-cost services to jobseekers and employers in convenient locations throughout the state. Career services include: job search and résumé writing assistance; résumé critiques; skills assessments; interviewing; career exploration/guidance and employer recruitment events. Resources available for job search include fax, computers with internet access, and résumé bond paper with matching envelopes. Assistive technology is also available for persons with disabilities. Website:
Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) - Job Seekers: BESB offers a wide range of services, both directly and through community rehabilitation providers to assist job seekers to obtain the skills and credentials that lead to employment success. Telephone: (860) 602-4032 Website:
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS): Connecticut’s BRS is funded federally by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and the Rehabilitation Services Administration. Its goal is to help the state’s disabled find and maintain employment. It offers disability grants for those requiring special transportation to go into work and other support. Telephone: (860) 424-4844 (Voice); (800)-537-2549 (Toll-Free Voice); (860) 920-7163 (Video Phone). Email: Website:
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services State Council: The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is comprised of persons who want to work with BRS to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities. SRC members provide advice and guidance to BRS (in formal and informal ways) so that persons with disabilities have a voice in planning and designing the services that lead toward self-sufficiency and independence. Telephone: Kerri Fradette (860) 424-4858 Email: Website:
Client Assistance Program (CAP): If you need assistance resolving a problem with the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), or Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB). CAP focuses on providing consultation and advocacy services to protect the rights of applicants and recipients of vocational services in Connecticut. The Client Assistance Program is a federally mandated, independent program and is part of Disability Rights Connecticut. Services are free and confidential. The Client Assistance Program (CAP) can:
Provide information on services available;
Help you understand a review of a decision made by vocational rehabilitation staff that affects the delivery of services;
Provide information and referral to other programs;
Review case files and advocate to resolve disagreements;
Provide representation at Informal Reviews, Mediation, and Fair Hearings within available resources; and,
Provide information on Title l Employment of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
If you have been denied services or need guidance contact CAP at Disability Rights Connecticut. Address: 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) - Filing an Employment Discrimination Complaint: Receives and investigates complaints alleging discrimination in employment, where a violation is found, the CHRO will attempt to negotiate appropriate relief or bring the issues to a hearing. In most cases, complaints must be filed within 300 days of the alleged act of discrimination. CHRO’s Central Office is located at 450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 2, Hartford, CT 06103. Telephone: (860) 541-3400 (Voice); (860) 541-3459 (TTY); (800) 477-5737 (Toll-Free in CT, Voice/TTY). Website:
Connecticut Department of Labor: Protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. Questions about Unemployment Insurance? Address: 200 Folly Brook Boulevard Wethersfield, CT 06109. Telephone: 860-263-6000 Website:
Connecticut Indian Council: Serving the tribal community of Connecticut with career assistance and job training. Address: 82 Norwich-Westerly Rd. North Stonington, CT 06359. Telephone: (860) 535-1277. Email: Website:
Deciding Whether to Disclose a Disability: Pamphlet developed by the Connecticut Legal Rights Project. Link:
EASTCONN Assistive Technology Program: Provides Adult Services through a partnership with the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and the Connecticut Tech Act Project. Consortium membership provides districts with customized and flexible support and services to meet the needs of students and staff. Consortium members can access an expanded library of AT tools for use in professional development, student assessment and trial use within their school districts. Telephone: Carol Magliocco (860) 228-3483. Email: Website:
Employer’s Practical Guide to Reasonable Accommodation Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Developed by the Job Accommodation Network. Some of the most frequent issues that employers have regarding accommodations and ADA compliance. Learn more about JAN's practical ideas for resolving them. Link:
Employees’ Practical Guide to Requesting and Negotiating Reasonable Accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Developed by the Job Accommodation Network, even if you are not sure what accommodation you need, you can go ahead and let your employer know that you need an adjustment or change at work because of a medical condition. Then, you and your employer can explore accommodation options together. Link:
Employment Discrimination: Inquiries and intake interviews are typically the first steps for people seeking to file an employment discrimination complaint. For information about the filing process and which center to file, contact the Information Intake Group at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Telephone: (800) 669-4000 (Voice), (844) 234-5122 (Videophone), (800) 669-6820 (TTY). Email: Website:
Family and Medical Leave Act, by the Wage and Hour Division of U.S. Department of Labor: For more information about FLMA, or if you believe that your rights under the FMLA have been violated, you may file a complaint with the Wage and Hour Division or file a private lawsuit against your employer in court. Telephone: Hartford (860) 240-4160; New Haven (203) 773-2249, National (866) 487-9243 Website:
Interactive Process for Requesting a Job Accommodation: Developed by the Job Accommodation Network, to help determine effective accommodations, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), recommends that employers use an “interactive process,” which simply means that employers and employees with disabilities who request accommodations work together to come up with accommodations. Link:
Job Accommodation Network (JAN): Provides free assistance with disability employment issues and accommodations. They also provide guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation as well as self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 526-7234 (Toll-Free Voice), (877) 781-9403 (Toll Free TTY). Email: Website:
Job Corps: is a primarily residential, no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16-24 (no age limit for people with disabilities) get a better job and take control of their lives. Students enroll to learn a trade, earn a high school diploma or GED and get help finding employment. New Haven Job Corps: (203) 397-3775 Website:; Hartford Job Corps: (860) 952-1705 Website:
Practical Guidance for Medical Professionals: Providing Sufficient Medical Documentation for an Accommodation in the Workplace, created by the Job Accommodation Network. Email: Website:
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS): Under the PABSS program, Disability Rights Connecticut staff provide information and advice about vocational rehabilitation and other employment services as well as advocacy assistance, legal representation, and other services necessary for a Social Security Beneficiary to secure or regain employment. Individuals who receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are eligible for services. Address: 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Rapid Response Program: Helps ease the impact of layoffs and ensures that affected workers are offered a full range of employment-related benefits and services. Prior to layoffs, the team conducts “Early Intervention” sessions where employees learn about unemployment benefits, job search assistance, health insurance options, training opportunities, and community services. Telephone: (860) 263-6580 or Email: Website:
Rehabilitation Counselors for the Deaf – BRS: Experienced sign language users with extensive knowledge of Deaf culture who work under the Connecticut BRS department. These Rehabilitation Counselors for the Deaf (RCDs) provide a wide range of services including employment counseling, career development, resume writing, and more. Telephone: 860-920-7163 (videophone). Email: Link to the flyer: PDF Copy
SSI/SSDI Benefits Counseling: If you receive disability cash or medical benefits (such as Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, State Supplement, Medicare and/or Medicaid), you may be able to work and still receive benefits. To find the Benefits Specialist closest to you call: (800) 773-4636. Website:
School-to-Work Transition: As early as age 14, you can meet with and invite a Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) counselor to come to your school Individual Education Plan (IEP) team meeting. Your parents or other adult involved in your education may also call for you. If you have a physical or mental disability (other than blindness) that makes it hard for you to find or keep a job,you may be eligible for BRS to help you. Telephone: (860) 424-4844 (Voice) Website:
Subminimum Wage - Know Your Rights: Created by the U.S. States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. Usually, workers must be paid at least the federal minimum wage. Sometimes, however, an employer may pay less than the minimum wage to a worker with a disability. Telephone: (866) 487-9243 Link:
Taking Time off from Work for Family or Medical Leave: If you have a serious health condition, a special law called the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) could give you the right to take unpaid time off from work. You may also be able to take time off to care for your child, your parent, or your spouse, posted on
Ticket-to-Work Service Provider Search: Ticket to Work service providers offer Social Security disability beneficiaries (persons who receive SSI or SSDI) age 18 through 64 who want to work with free job support. Services offered may include job coaching, job counseling, training, benefits counseling, and job placement. You may search by zip code, services offered, disability type, languages spoken and provider type. Telephone: (866) 968-7842 Website:
Unemployment Insurance (UI) - CT: Temporary income for workers who are either partially or fully unemployed due to no fault of their own and who are looking for new employment, are in an approved training program, or are waiting recall to employment. This site also offers an online Assistance Center to change a mailing address, report returned to work status and obtain other UI services. Claims for unemployment benefits can be filed online at
When is it Legal to be Fired? Information Guide: Developed by the Connecticut Law Project. Website:
Workers’ Compensation Commission - CT: Ensuring that workers injured on the job receive prompt payment of lost work time benefits and attendant medical expenses. To this end, the Commission facilitates voluntary agreements, adjudicates disputes, makes findings and awards, hears and rules on appeals, and closes out cases through full and final stipulated settlements. Telephone: (800) 223-9675 (Toll-free CT) Website:
Your Rights When Applying for a Job by Link:
En Español
ADA Comunicación efectiva:
ADA Hoja de Datos:
Animales de servicio y animals de apoyo emocional:
Carta De Derechos Del Votante:
Crisis de Violencia Sexual de la Alianza –Connecticut: Todos los servicios proporcionados por los programas de crisis de violencia sexual de la Alianza en Connecticur por su nombre en Inglés, Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence, sn gratuitos y confidenciales. Estos servicios incluyen defensores de víctimas de abuso sexual certificados, servicio gratuito en Inglés y Español las 24 horas del día por 7 días de la semana, consejería de corto plazo para individuos, información y referencias para otros servicios legales y sociales, y acompañamiento y apoyo en hospitals department de policía y cortes. Teléfono en Español (888) 568-8332. Sitio Web:
El Programa Nacional de Distribución de Equipos para Sordos-Ciegos:
Estudiantes con discapacidades preparandose para la educación postsecundaria: Conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades, Departamento de Educación de EE.UU.:
Formulario De Solicitud De Exención De Lesión Cerebral Adquirida (LCA):
Guía De Recursos De Salud Del Comportamiento:
Guia de Usario - Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual:
Hispanic Health Council: Mejorar la salud y el bienestar social de los latinos y otras comunidades diversas. Nuestro alcance del trabajo: Educación nutricional, Seguridad alimentaria, Educación y apoyo a la lactancia maternal, Detección temprana de cáncer y soporte de longevidad, Apoyo para padres, Manejo prenatal de casos, Desarrollo juvenile, Salud mental, Manejo de casos de abuso de sustancias, y Entrenamiento de competencia intercultural. Teléfono: (860) 527-0856 Email: Website:
Información del Programa iCanConnect: iCanConnect proporciona equipos y formación para las personas con una pérdida significativa de audición y visión para que logren permanecer en contacto con amigos y familiares. Telephone: (800) 825-4595
Lifeline Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio: Lifeline ofrece 24/7, gratuito servicios en español, no es necesario hablar ingles si usted necesita ayuda. Teléfono: (888) 628-9454 Website:
San Juan Center: Sobre la base de una evaluación de las necesidades del cliente, proporcionamos información sobre los servicios ofrecidos a través de los sectores público y privados. Referimos a nuestros clientes a los recursos de la comunidad y a los proveedores de servicios. Estos proveedores de recursos comunitarios incluyen pero no se limitan a:
Asistencia de Vivienda
Cupones de Alimentos (SNAP)
Servicios Legales
Seguro Social
IRS (impuestos federales)
Impuestos Estatales
INS (Servicios de inmigración)
Como parte de estos servicios ofrecemos servicio de traducción para nuestros clientes, así como el uso del Internet, registros de búsquedas vitales (a nivel nacional) y asistencia llenando solicitudes. Dirección: 1283 Main Street Hartford, CT 06103. Telefono: (860) 522-2205. Email: Website:
Violencia doméstica en Connecticut: Para hablar o recibir ayuda, llama al (844) 831-9200.
Financial hardship
2-1-1 Info Line: Call and press #3 and #1 if you are homeless or in a housing emergency. Calling 2-1-1 and/or completing the assessment does not guarantee housing. Dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in Connecticut; 800-671-0737 (TTY); or if you are outside of Connecticut or have difficulties using the 2-1-1 number, dial 1-800-203-1234.
Blue Book Request for HUD-Associated Rental Housing: Please note that it can take up to 7-10 business days to receive your Blue Book via U.S. mail or 2 business days for an electronic copy. If you prefer an electronic copy, please provide your email address. Link:
Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program: Families struggling to pay for home heating oil can call to see if they are eligible for heating oil assistance. If approved, the household will receive an authorization letter and details on how to arrange for a one-time delivery of 100 free gallons of oil. Telephone: (877) 563-4645 Website:
Community Action Agencies: Committed to serving Connecticut’s low and moderate income children and families in communities across the state. Through our strong partnership with the state Department of Social Services (DSS), community-based organizations, national partners, and other state associations across New England and the country, we engage all sectors of our communities, including low-income citizens, to play a role in addressing poverty in Connecticut. To find the one in your area call: (860) 832-9438. Website:
Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc. (ABCD): o Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, Head Start, preschool, after school and Summer programs, adult education, financial education, energy and heating assistance, case management and counseling, homelessness & eviction prevention, information and referral, and youth services. Serving people in Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Norwalk, Stratford, Trumbull, and Westport. Address: 1070 Park Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06604 telephone (203) 366-8241 & ABCD Norwalk at 149 Water St. 2nd floor, Norwalk, CT 06854. Telephone (203) 838-8110. Website:
The Access Community Action Agency: o Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, energy and heating assistance, weatherization, homeless shelter, women, infants and children food program, case management and counseling, child and adult care food program, emergency food bank, Crossroads Home for Adolescents, mentoring programs, low-income senior housing, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), women inspired business entrepreneurs, Windham Area Hour Exchange Time Bank, rehab housing, and affordable housing programs. Serving people located in Andover, Ashford, Bolton, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Chaplin, Columbia, Coventry, Eastford, Ellington, Hampton, Hebron, Killingly, Mansfield, Plainfield, Pomfret, Putnam, Scotland, Somers, Stafford, Sterling, Thompson, Tolland, Union, Vernon, Willimantic, Willington, Windham, and Woodstock. Address: (Willimantic Office) 1315 Main Street, Suite 2, Willimantic, CT 06226, telephone (860) 450-7400 & (Danielson Office) 231 Broad Street Danielson, CT 06239, telephone (860) 412-1600. Email: Website:
Community Action Agency of New Haven, Inc.: o Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, energy and heating assistance, weatherization, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), financial education, food Pantry, Passport Transitional Services for the Homeless, mature adult services, case management and counseling. Serving people in East Haven, Hamden, New Haven, North Haven, and West Haven. Address: 419 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT 06511. Telephone: (203) 387-7700 Email: Website:
The Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut: Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, preschool, adult education, energy and heating assistance, financial education, food pantry, information and referral, case management and counseling. Serving people in Bethel, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Canaan, Cornwall, Danbury, Darien, Greenwich, Kent, New Fairfield, New Milford, Newtown, New Canaan, North Canaan, Redding, Ridgefield, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, Sherman, Stamford, Warren, Washington, Weston, and Wilton. Address: 78 Triangle St. Danbury, CT 06810. Telephone: (203) 744-4700 Email: Website:
Community Renewal Team, Inc. (CRT): Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include behavioral health and substance abuse services, case management and counseling, child nutrition, early care and education, head start, employment and training, energy and weatherization, financial education and individual development accounts, homeless shelters, housing counseling, meals on wheels, multi-service centers and food pantries, senior services and assisted living, supportive housing, veterans' programs. Serving people in Avon, Branford, Bloomfield, Canton, Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Durham, East Granby, East Haddam, East Hampton, East Hartford, East Windsor, Enfield, Essex, Glastonbury, Granby, Guilford, Haddam, Hartford, Killingworth, Madison, Manchester, Marlborough, Middlefield, Middletown, North Branford, Newington, Old Saybrook, Portland, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, South Windsor, Suffield, Westbrook, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks. Address: 555 Windsor Street, Hartford CT. Telephone: 860-347-4465. Website:
New Opportunities, Inc.: Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, preschool, adult education, energy and heating assistance, weatherization, individual development accounts, financial education, eviction prevention, homeless shelter, alternatives to incarceration, aids prevention and counseling, substance abuse counseling, information and referral, case management and counseling. Serving people in Barkhamsted, Berlin, Bethlehem, Cheshire, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Litchfield, Meriden, Middlebury, Morris, Naugatuck, New Hartford, Norfolk, Prospect, Southbury, Southington, Thomaston, Torrington, Wallingford, Waterbury, Watertown, Winchester, Wolcott, and Woodbury. Address(es): Waterbury Office: 232 North Elm Street Waterbury, CT 06702 Telephone: 203-575-9799, Meriden Office: 74 Cambridge Street Meriden, CT 06450 Telephone: 203-639-5060, Torrington Office: 59 Field Street Torrington, CT 06790 Telephone: 860-482-9749. Website:
Human Resources Agency of New Britain, Inc. (HRA-NB): Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, head start, preschool, toddler care, energy and heating assistance, aids prevention and counseling, HIV counseling and testing, substance abuse prevention, supportive housing, free tax preparation, financial literacy education, match savings (individual Development Accounts- (DA), food pantry, information and referral, case management and counseling. Serving people in Bristol, Burlington, Farmington, New Britain, Plainville, and Plymouth. Address: 180 Clinton Street New Britain, CT, 06053. Telephone: (860) 225-8601. Website:
Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. (TVCCA): Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, early childhood education and preschool programs (Head Start and Little Learners), energy and heating assistance, individual development accounts, financial education, rapid rehousing & homelessness prevention, Section 8 Rental Assistance, Senior Nutrition and Meals on Wheels, women, infants, and children food program, information and referral, case management and counseling, volunteer income tax assistance, senior volunteer services. Serving people in Bozrah, Colchester, East Lyme, Franklin, Griswold, Groton, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lisbon, Lyme, Montville, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Old Lyme, Preston, Salem, Sprague, Stonington, Voluntown, and Waterford. Address: 1 Sylvandale Road Jewett City, CT 06351. Telephone: (860) 889-1365 Website:
TEAM, Inc. (TEAM): Part of the Community Action Agency Network. Services include employment and training, Head Start, Early Head Start, preschool, energy and heating assistance, financial literacy courses, individual development accounts, family resource center, diaper bank, Meals on Wheels, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), volunteer caregivers, medical transportation, information and referral, case management and counseling. Serving people in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, and Woodbridge. Telephone: (203) 736-5420 Email address: Website:
Connecticut Housing Search: A free resource for finding and listing housing anywhere in Connecticut. Property providers across the state can post apartments and houses for rent at any time. This service is updated daily, so be sure to check back often for new listings. Telephone: (704) 334-8722. Website:
Department of Consumer Protection: Responsible for ensuring that businesses follow all consumer laws and guard against deceptive business practices. Enforce licensing requirements. If, after an investigation, we have sufficient evidence that a business is violating the law, we may open a case on behalf of the State of Connecticut. Telephone: (860) 713-6100 Email: Website:
Foreclosure Free Legal Clinic: Get help with foreclosure and mediation, and find out about resources. Telephone: Court Operations Unit (860) 263-2734 or Connecticut Fair Housing Center (860) 247-4400. Website:
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list: Use this web site to locate open Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists throughout Connecticut. Register to receive automatic notice of the opening of Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists whenever they occur. Website:
HUD Resource Locator: Find HUD affordable housing on an interactive map. Link:
Independent Living Centers (ILCs): These programs provide tools, resources, and supports for integrating people with disabilities fully into their communities to promote equal opportunities, self-determination, and respect. The Connecticut State Independent Living Council (SILC) oversees all of the independent living centers in Connecticut. Address: 151 New Park Ave. Hartford, CT 06103 Telephone: (860) 523-0126 (Voice). Email:
Access Independence – Regional Independent Living Center: Programs and services include advocacy, peer support, independent living skills, information & referral, youth transition, emergency management, pre-vocational services, community advocacy, aging & disability services, and assistive technology. Serving Bridgeport, Darien, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, New Canaan, Norwalk, Stamford, Trumbull, Weston, Westport, and Wilton. Telephone: 203-378-6977 Address: 300 Long Beach Blvd., Suite #1, Stratford, CT 06615. Website:
ASL Advocates- Glynis Gibson
300 Long Beach Blvd. Suite #1, Stratford, CT 06615
(203)-916-9012 (videophone)
Center for Disability Rights - Regional Independent Living Center: ased in West Haven, Connecticut, the Center for Disability Rights advocates for people with disabilities and their issues on a local, state-wide, and national level. We also provide services to individuals and their families, as well as technical assistance and community education to businesses, government, and members of the community. Serving Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Derby, Durham, East Haddem, East Hampton, East Haven, Essex, Guilford, Haddam, Hamden, Killingworth, Lyme, Madison, Middlefield, Middletown, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Old Lyme, Old Saybook, Orange, Portland, Seymour, Shelton, Stratford, Wallingford, West Haven, Westbrook, and Woodridge. Telephone: (203) 934-7077 (voice), (203) 680-3967 (videophone). Address: 369 Highland St. West Haven, CT 06516. Email: Website:
ASL Advocate - Sue Catale (part-time)
369 Highland St. West Haven, CT 06516
(203) 680-3967 (videophone)
Disabilities Network of Eastern CT (DNEC) - Regional Independent Living Center: o One of the Centers for Independent Living, serving persons of all ages and all disability types who reside in Eastern Connecticut. DNEC utilizes peer mentoring, self-advocacy and independent living skills training to assist individuals with disabilities to re-enter or remain in the community and to make meaningful life choices. Serving Ashford, Bozrah, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Chaplin, Colchester, Columbia, Coventry, East Lyme, Eastford, Franklin, Griswold, Groton, Hampton, Killingly, Lisbon, Lebanon, Ledyard, Mansfield, Montville, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Plainfield, Pomfret, Preston, Putnam, Salem, Scotland, Sprague, Sterling, Stonington, Thompson, Union, Voluntown, Waterford Windham, and Woodstock. Address: 19 Ohio Ave. Norwich, CT 06360. Telephone: (860) 823-1898 (voice), (860) 237-4515 (videophone). Email: Website:
ASL Advocate – Brynn Hickey
19 Ohio Ave. Norwich, CT 06360
(860) 237-4515 (videophone)
Independence Northwest - Regional Independent Living Center: o Services include services such as individual advocacy, independent living skills instruction, information and referral, transition to the community, youth transition initiative, community advocacy, community services, housing opportunities, veterans services, and Deaf Services. Serving Barkhamsted, Beacon Falls, Bethel, Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Canaan, Cheshire, Colebrook, Cornwall, Danbury, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Middlebury, Morris, Naugatuck, New Fairfield, New Hartford, New Milford, Newtown, Norfolk, North Canaan, Oxford, Prospect, Redding, Ridgefield, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, Sherman, Southbury, Thomaston, Torrington, Warren, Washington, Waterbury, Watertown, Winchester, Wolcott, and Woodbury. Address: 1183 New Haven Rd., Suite 200, Naugatuck, CT 06770. Email: Telephone: (203) 729-3299 (voice), (203) 490-2373 (videophone). Website:
ASL Advocate - Kassey Neason
1183 New Haven Rd. Suite 200 Naugatuck, CT 06770
(203) 490-2373 (videophone)
Independence Unlimited - Regional Independent Living Center: o Serving Granby, East Granby, Suffield, Windsor Locks, Windsor, Bloomfield, Ellington, Simsbury, Canton, Avon, West Hartford, Hartford, Farmington, New Britain, Plainville, Bristol, Burlington, Plymouth, Berlin, Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Marlborough, Hebron, Andover, Bolton, Vernon, Tolland, Endfield, East Windsor, Newington, South Windsor, Southington, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Willington. Telephone: (860) 523-5021 (voice), (860) 724-2742 (VideoPhone). Email: Website:
ASL Advocate - Shayna Wilson
151 New Park Ave.
North Annex | Suite D Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 724-2742 (Videophone, office)
(860) 724-2300 (Videophone, cellphone)
IRS Taxpayer Advocate Services: An independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service, protecting taxpayers’ rights by ensuring all taxpayers are treated fairly, and that you know and understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Telephone: (877) 777-4778. Website:
Keep Your Lights and Gas Turned On: For information on ways to lower your monthly bill, special medical protection, and winter protection for cases involving children, contact Center for Children’s Advocacy Medical-Legal Partnership Project. Telephone: Attorney Alice Rosenthal, (203) 688-0113. Email: Link:
Loans and Grants for Accessibility Program: AccesSolutions program provides a variety of home modifications and specialized equipment to people with disabilities who cannot afford modifications. Telephone: (860) 563-6011 Website:
Low-Cost Internet for People with Low-Income: To qualify for the LifeLine program, choose a participating provider in the area and sign up. Provide proof of eligibility and renew the Lifeline subscription every year. Only one Lifeline benefit per household. Link to choices:
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of health and safety problems (such as illness, fire, or eviction). Telephone: (800) 842-1132. Website:
Operation Fuel: Operation Fuel partners with more than 100 agencies across the state to provide low-income families with year-round emergency energy assistance. Telephone: 2-1-1. Website:
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Connecticut, Inc.: Also, commonly known as PLAN of CT, is a non-profit organization which provides planning and trust management services for individuals with disabilities. People can also request charitable financial living expenses assistance for Connecticut residents with disabilities. Address: P.O. Box 4280 Hartford, CT 06147. Telephone: (860) 523-4951. Email: Website:
Renters' - Rebate for Elderly/Disabled Renters Tax Relief Program: State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Telephone: (860) 418-6377. Website:
Security Deposit Complaints: The Department of Banking Investigates rental security deposit complaints, issues cease and desist orders and refers matters to the Attorney General's Office for legal action. If you have a complaint regarding a rental security deposit issue, please use the new Online Consumer Assistance Form. Telephone: (860) 240-8170. Email: Link:
Security Deposit Guarantee Program: Provides a guarantee to landlords of up to two month's rent instead of an actual payment. This program is available only to individuals and families that are chronically homeless and meet program criteria. Telephone: (860) 270-8262 Email: Website:,HOMELESS%20AND%20MEET%20PROGRAM%20CRITERIA
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants: Also known as the Section 504 Home Repair program, this provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards. Website:
Small Claims Volunteer Attorney Program: The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, for example a session by telephone instead of in-person at the court houses, contact Attorney Rose Ann Rush, Manager, Volunteer Attorney Program for Small Claims, (203) 965-5288, e-mail: Website:
Special Education Legal Fund: Provides grants for up to $5,000 for legal assistance to economically disadvantaged families with children in the special education system. All S.E.L.F. grants are payable directly to the attorney. Website:
Statewide Legal Services (SLS): Provides free civil legal services to income-eligible people, in the form of direct representation in crisis situations, advice, referrals, and legal self-help materials. Assistance is provided in a variety of areas of law including the following: entitlements, Medicare, Social Security Disability, living wills, and the rights of elderly people and people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 453-3320 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY); (860) 344-0380 (Voice). Spanish-speaking staff available. Hotline hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Email: Website:
Volunteers in Psychotherapy: Provides psychotherapy that is truly private, in exchange for volunteer work clients donate to the charity of their choice. A nonprofit alternative to the loss of client privacy and control experienced under managed care and at public clinics. Address: 7 South Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06107. Telephone: (860) 233-5115 Email: Website:
Healthcare and Medicaid/Medicare
A Practical Guide for Advanced Directives: A psychiatric or mental health advance directive (PAD) is a legal tool that allows a person with mental illness to state their preferences for treatment in advance of a crisis. They can serve as a way to protect a person’s autonomy and ability to self-direct care. They are similar to living wills and other medical advance planning documents used in palliative care. Website:
Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc. is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization that provides education, advocacy, and legal assistance to help elders and people with disabilities obtain Medicare and necessary healthcare. The Center focuses on the needs of Medicare beneficiaries, people with chronic conditions, and those in need of long-term care. The organization is involved in writing, education, and advocacy activities of importance to Medicare beneficiaries nationwide. The Center's national office is in Connecticut, with offices in Washington, DC and throughout the country. The Center's staff act as consultants and trainers for groups that are interested in learning about healthcare rights, Medicare coverage and appeals, or in developing Medicare advocacy projects. Address: P.O. Box 350, Willimantic, CT 06226. Telephone: (860) 456-7790 (Voice). Website:
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN): Statewide program for children with chronic illness or disability. The program partners with community-based services to provide care coordination; resource linkages to support groups; agencies and other helpful services; educational support and respite funding when available. The CYSHCN program can pay for medical services. For information, call Child Development Infoline at (800) 505-7000 (Toll-free). Website:
CHOICES (Connecticut’s Program for Health insurance assistance, Outreach, Information and referral, Counseling, and Eligibility Screening): Helps Connecticut’s older adults and persons with disabilities with Medicare understand their Medicare coverage and healthcare options. Information and referrals for a variety of programs (e.g. financial assistance, home care, housing, nursing homes, nutrition, transportation.) Eligibility screenings and application assistance for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare Waivers, Energy Assistance, and more. Telephone: (800) 994-9422 Website:
Community First Choice- Money Follows the Person (CFC-MFP): Federal initiative offered to active Medicaid members as part of the Affordable Care Act. This program allows individuals to receive supports and services in their home. Telephone: 2-1-1 (choose option 3) Website:
Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH): Anyone with knowledge or concerns about the care of a patient/resident in a licensed healthcare facility may file a complaint with DPH through an online website portal. Facility Licensing and Investigation Section (FLIS) is the agency that has regulatory oversight for all the licensed healthcare entities in the state. DPH’s contact information is below:
Address: 410 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Telephone: (860) 509-8000
Find Your Local Health Department: Local health agencies are autonomous and under the jurisdiction of the towns/municipality or health district served. Local health agencies have the legal authority to levy fines and penalties for public health code violations, and to grant and rescind license permits (such as for food services establishments or septic systems) and to establish fees for their services. Telephone: (860) 509-7660 Email: Website:
Health Care Practitioner Complaint: Department of Public Health processes complaints regarding to care provided by an individual health care practitioner (i.e. doctor, nurse, chiropractor, etc.). Telephone: (860) 509-7552 Email: Website:
Health Care Facilities Complaint: Anyone with knowledge or concerns about the care of a patient/resident in a licensed healthcare facility may file a complaint with their State Survey Agency. Facility Licensing and Investigation Section (FLIS) is the agency that has regulatory oversight for all the licensed healthcare entities in the state. Telephone: (860) 509-8000 Email: Website:
Long-Term Care Ombudsperson Program of Connecticut (LTCOP): This program promotes and protects quality of life and care for skilled nursing home, residential care home and assisted living residents. The LTCOP responds to, and investigates complaints brought forward by residents, family members, and/or other individuals acting on their behalf. Ombudsmen offer information on consultation to consumers and providers, monitor state and federal laws and regulations, and make recommendations for improvement. The program also recruits, trains, and supervises Volunteer Resident Advocates who assist residents in resolving concerns. More information is available on their website: and they can be reached via telephone at (860) 424-5200 or via email at
MED-Connect (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities): Total income from work and other benefits must be below $75,000 per year. Some individuals may pay a monthly premium for this coverage. In general, an eligible person with a disability, who is employed or becomes employed, can qualify for MED-Connect without the use of spend down while earning more income than is allowed under other Medicaid coverage groups. Telephone: (866) 844-1903 (Toll-Free Voice). Website:
Medicare Home Health Hotline: Receives complaints specifically about home health services. Phone: (800) 828-9769.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT): An important benefit for Medicaid members who need to get to and from Medicaid-covered medical services but have no means of transportation. Telephone: (855) 478-7350 Website:
Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): This federal agency enforces federal civil rights laws, including the ADA. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, or religion in programs or activities that HHS directly operates or to which HHS provides federal financial assistance, you may file a complaint with OCR. You may file a complaint for yourself or for someone else. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination, although OCR may extend this period if there is good cause. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your disability by a State or local government health care or social services agency, you may file a complaint with the OCR. You may file a complaint for yourself or for someone else. You may fill out a complaint online here:
The contact information for HHS OCR is provided below:
Address: 200 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201
Telephone: (800) 368-1019
Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA): Assists with questions related to enrollment in healthcare coverage, understanding the referral and pre-authorization process. They also provide assistance with grievance processes and appealing denials. No matter what type of insurance you have, you can use our services. The Office of the Healthcare Advocate is located at 450 Capitol Ave., 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 1543, Hartford, CT, 06144. Telephone: (866) 466-4446 (Voice). Email: Website: Link to file an on-line complaint:
Renewing HUSKY Coverage: Information for HUSKY A, B or D members. You have the right to receive help and information in your language free of charge. To speak with an interpreter in your language about Access Health CT, call (855) 805-4325.
Residents’ Rights of a Long-Term Care Facility Sheet: Developed by the Connecticut Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. Link:
Accommodation/Modification Housing Request Letter Generator: This webpage by created by CT Fair Housing will help you create a letter asking your landlord for a change in a rule or policy or for permission to make changes to your dwelling. Telephone: (860) 247-4400. Website:
Connecticut Fair Housing Center: A statewide, private, non-profit organization dedicated to removing barriers to housing choices. They provide information, education, and training on fair housing laws, investigation, and testing of discrimination complaints, attorney referrals, technical assistance; research, and consulting services. Address: 60 Popieluszko Court, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (888) 247-4401 (Toll-Free Voice). Email: Website:
Connecticut Legal Rights Project (CLRP): A statewide non-profit agency that provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 351 Silver Street, Middletown, CT 06457. Only does intake during 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Telephone: (877) 402-2299 (Toll Free Voice); (860) 262-5030 (Voice); (860) 262-5066 (TTY). Email: Website:
Connecticut Renters’ Guide: From moving in to moving out, the guide will answer a lot of the questions you may have, developed by Connecticut Fair Housing. Link:
Disabilities in Shelters: Shelters must also abide by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA provides a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against people with disabilities. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness. Telephone: (860) 721-7876. Link:
Foreclosure Free Legal Clinic: Get help with foreclosure and mediation, and find out about resources. Telephone: Court Operations Unit (860) 263-2734 or Connecticut Fair Housing Center (860) 247-4400. Website:
Guide to Connecticut Bed Bug Homeowner and Renter Resources: There are many reports of bed bugs in Connecticut. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station is actively engaged with the issue as are other groups interested in fighting infestations. This site provides resources available to homeowners and renters in the State of Connecticut that are committed to understanding and exterminating these hard to kill insects. Website:
Housing Discrimination Unit (HDU) – Connecticut: Responsible for processing and investigating all complaints of housing related discrimination filed with Commission of Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO). Although HDU does not provide legal advice to the public, HDU staff is available to answer questions regarding the state and federal fair housing laws and the application of these laws. Generally speaking, CHRO complaints must be filed within 300 days of the date of the alleged act of discrimination if the complaint involves employment, credit transactions, and places of public accommodations made against state agencies. Complaints of discrimination in housing or in places of public accommodations other than those involving a state agency must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged act of discrimination. Telephone: (860) 541-3403. Website:
Housing Informational Pamphlets: Evictions, lockouts, security deposits, rent increases, discrimination, foreclosure, homelessness, utilities. Developed by the CT Law Help program. Website:
Housing Matters – Where to File: This service is run by the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch, including matters involving summary process, appeals from decisions of fair rent commissions, the discrimination in the sale or rental of residential property, forcible entry and detainer, violation of health and safety standards, security deposits, back rent and damages. Landlord-tenant matters are to be brought to the court location where the property is located, click on the link to search for your town to find the correct Court Location to file:
Money Follows the Person (MFP): Are you or a loved one currently living in a nursing home or other long-term care facility? Do you want a choice in how and where you live? While you may not qualify for MFP, the program can still assist you in transitioning to the community or give you information on how to remain in the community. Telephone: (888) 992-8637. Website:
Public Health Complaint - Housing: To file a complaint regarding a restaurant, food service establishment, housing and other related issues, please contact your local health department. Click on the link to find your local health department:
Renters' Rebate For Elderly/Disabled Renters Tax Relief Program- State of Connecticut: Office of Policy and Management: State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative housing, or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Renters' rebates can be up to $900 for married couples and $700 for single persons. The renters' rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies. Application may be made at the municipality assessor's office or social service agency on or after April first and not later than October first. Website:
Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants in Connecticut: Booklet developed by the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Superior Court
Tenants’ Rights - Repairs: Resources developed by CTLawHelp
U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Federal – Discrimination Complaint: If you believe your rights may have been violated, HUD encourages you to submit a complaint. You must file your complaint within one year of the last date of the alleged discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. Explain what happened, how you were discriminated against, and why you believe you are being discriminated against. Telephone: (800) 669-9777. Website:
Utility Problems with Landlords: Resources developed by CTLawHelp
Apostle Immigrant Services: This organization works with immigrants in the greater New Haven area, helping them attain their goals: achieving US citizenship; gaining work authorization; uniting with family members; becoming legal residents; improving educational skills. New clients may be required to pay a $40 fee. Address: 115 Blatchley Ave. New Haven, CT 06513. Telephone: 203-752-9068. Email: Website:
Connecticut Immigrant & Refugee Coalition: This coalition partners with a diverse network of community organizations, religious and business groups, legal service providers committed to protecting the rights of and economic development of refugee and immigrant communities in the state. Address: 40 Woodland St. Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: 860-727-5731. Email: Website:
Connecticut Institute for Refugee and Immigrants (CIRI): CIRI provides legal, economic, linguistic, and social services to immigrants, refugees, survivors of human trafficking and torture, and unaccompanied minors throughout Connecticut. Telephone: 203-336-0141 Email: Website:
Immigration & Citizenship on CTLawHelp: CTLawHelp has self-help information regarding immigration problems, citizenship, immigrants' rights at work, deferred action. Website:
Immigration Lawyer Search: An immigration lawyer search service provided by the American Immigration Lawyers Association as the only legal association in the United States for immigration attorneys. Telephone: 202-507-7600 Email: Website:
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS): Empowering refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated into their new communities. IRIS may be able to provide assistance with housing, employment, healthcare access, legal assistance for those seeking U.S. citizenship and asylum, education, and case management services. Address: 235 Nicoll St. New Haven, CT 06511. Telephone: 203-562-2095 Email: Website:
Social Security Benefits for Noncitizens: Information from the Social Security Administration (SSA) regarding eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Non-Citizens. More information is available here:
U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review Office of Legal Access Programs (OLAP): Since April 2000, the Office of Legal Access Programs (OLAP) has worked to improve the efficiency of immigration court hearings by increasing access to information and raising the level of representation for individuals appearing before the immigration courts and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). Email: Website:
University of Connecticut School of Law, Asylum and Human Rights Clinic: The Asylum and Human Rights Clinic represents clients who have fled persecution or torture in their home countries and seek refuge in the United States. Email: Telephone: 860-570-5165 Website:
In American Sign Language
ASL Voter Assistance Hotline: It is very important that you vote and we know that voting information can be confusing and unclear. You can ask questions and get answers — in ASL! Telephone: (301) 818-8683. Website:
Connecticut of Public Health Preparedness Video for People who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: This video features a family with deaf family members learning about preparing for emergencies. The video is in American Sign Language (ASL) with captions in English. Link:
Department of Rehabilitation Services DORS Order of Selection (OOS): The CT Bureau of Rehabilitation Services implemented an Order of Selection (OOS) October 1, 2018, for vocational services, video is in ASL. Website: Link:
FCC ASL Consumer Support Line: The FCC has unveiled a support service specifically designed for consumers who are deaf and hard of hearing to communicate in their primary language, American Sign Language (ASL). Link:
Preparing to Go to a Shelter- Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Video developed by the American Red Cross
Ticket to Work in American Sign Language: The Finding Your Path to Employment video in American Sign Language provides an easy-to-understand overview of the Ticket to Work program for beneficiaries who are deaf or hard of hearing. Link:
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Responsible for enforcing federal laws against employment discrimination. Telephone: (844) 234-5122 (Videophone/Voice), (800) 699-6820 (TTY) Email: Link:
Your Rights during Police Interaction: Actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf and the wife of a police officer, teamed up with ACLU and advocacy group HEARD, on an American Sign Language video to ensure deaf people know their rights when interacting with law enforcement. Website:
Jails and Prisons
ADA Coordinator for the Department of Corrections: Each correctional center has a designated ADA coordinator to handle reasonable accommodation requests from inmates. To contact the lead ADA coordinator regarding accommodation issues, please call 860-692-7648 or 860-713-1950, or Email
Americans with Disabilities Act Inmate Department of Corrections (DOC) Policy: The policy set by the State of Connecticut Department of Corrections to make reasonable accommodations for inmates with disabilities. Link:
Complaint of Violation of Civil Rights U.S. Courts Pro Se Form: To initiate a federal civil rights action addressing prison conditions, inmates may find this form helpful. Address: Administrative Office of the United States Courts One Columbus Circle NE, Washington, D.C. 20544. Website:
File a Complaint against an Attorney: The grievance process is an investigation by the Statewide Grievance Council at the Connecticut Judicial Branch to decide if an attorney is guilty of misconduct. Address: Statewide Bar Counsel, Statewide Grievance Committee, 287 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 2, East Hartford, CT 06118-1885 Telephone: (860) 568-5157 Email: Website:
HEARD (Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities): Supports Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and disabled (“deaf/disabled”) people at every stage of the criminal legal system process, up to and including during and after incarceration. Address: P.O. Box 1160, Washington, D.C. 20013. Telephone: -202-436-9278 (videophone) hotline hours are Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. EST and Thursdays 3-6 p.m. EST. Website:
Inmate Legal Aid Program, Bansley Anthony, LLC (ILAP): Provides legal assistance to inmates in civil matters involving terms and conditions of their confinement only. Address: 265 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06510. Telephone: 475-227-0710.
Once Incarcerated…Once Inc.: Connecting people to resources who are currently in jail with grievances and voting rights, as well as for reentry such as employability, housing services, education credit, financial literacy, advocacy around criminal in juvenile justice in prison reform, and mental health trauma support for justice impacted people and their families. Telephone: -860-829-9920 Email: Website:
Ordering a Court Transcript Informational Booklet: Informational booklet developed by the Connecticut Judicial Branch. Individuals not using the online transcript ordering system must complete the Transcript Order – Non-Appeal form (JD-ES-262) and submit it to the Court Reporter’s Office in the judicial district where the case was heard. Link:
Public Defender Services Office: Contact the Office of Public Defender Services if you have any questions regarding your public defender as a service recipient. Public Defender services are provided to “indigent” accused adults and juveniles throughout Connecticut at thirty-eight (38) combined field offices and six (6) specialized units and branches of the Office of Chief Public Defender. Business hours are 9 -5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Address: 30 Trinity St., 4th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: 860-509-6400 Fax: 860-509-6495. Offices are based on geographical location in Connecticut. Website:
Restoring Voting Rights to Convicted Felons Sheet: If you have lost your voting rights in the past because of a felony conviction only, you can follow the instructions below to have your voting rights restored. Link:
Rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inmates: Information compiled by the National Association of the Deaf as Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, and DeafBlind inmates have constitutional and statutory rights of access in correctional facilities. Website:
Social Security and Health Care Benefits for the Incarcerated: Information complied by the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. This fact sheet describes (i) income support through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs, and (ii) health coverage under Medicaid and Medicare, which together can enable someone with mental illness to transition successfully from jail or prison to community life. Link:
Trans People Incarcerated in Connecticut: Information from the ACLU about inmates who are transgender and their rights in a Connecticut Department of Correction facility. Website:
Traumatic Brain Injury in Prisons and Jails Factsheet: Developed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Many people in prisons and jails are living with traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related problems that complicate their management and treatment while they are incarcerated. Link:
Legal Assistance
American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut (ACLU-CT): The ACLU-CT participates in legislative advocacy, litigation, grassroots organizing, and public education on a broad array of issues affecting our liberties. Address: 765 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (860) 523-9146. Email: Website:
Center for Children’s Advocacy, University of Connecticut: A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of the legal rights of poor children who are dependent on a variety of Connecticut systems – Judicial, Child Welfare, Health, Mental Health, Education, and Juvenile Justice. Based at the University of Connecticut School of Law, the Center’s twin missions are to provide holistic legal services to children in their communities and to improve the quality of legal representation of children through interdisciplinary models and training programs. Mailing Address: 65 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (860) 570-5327 (Voice). Website:
Children’s Law Center of Connecticut Inc. (CLC): A non-profit agency that provides indigent children with experienced lawyers who give them a voice in family court. CLC also provides information in legal matters involving children, and advocates in support of legislative policies that advance the well-being and best interests of children. Address: 30 Arbor Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 232-9993 Website:
Connecticut Community Law Center: Provides reasonably priced legal assistance to people who couldn’t otherwise afford a lawyer for issues ranging from divorce, housing, immigration, and debt collection. Address: 45 Elizabeth Street Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (860) 570-5400 Email: Website:
Connecticut Fair Housing Center: A statewide, private, non-profit organization dedicated to removing barriers to housing choices. They provide information, education, and training on fair housing laws, investigation, and testing of discrimination complaints, attorney referrals, technical assistance; research, and consulting services. Address: 60 Popieluszko Court, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (888) 247-4401 (Toll-Free Voice). Email: Website:
Connecticut Institute for Refugee and Immigrants (CIRI): Provides legal, economic, linguistic, and social services to immigrants, refugees, survivors of human trafficking and torture, and unaccompanied minors throughout Connecticut. Telephone: 203-336-0141 Email: Website:
Connecticut Lawyer Referral Service: Use the link to search for an attorney by location, area of practice, in the state of Connecticut for free. The Connecticut Bar Association can suggest a private attorney who, for a nominal consultation fee, will assess a case and provide an estimate of charges. Telephone: (860) 223-4400 Email: Website:
Connecticut Legal Rights Project (CLRP): A statewide non-profit agency that provides legal services to low-income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 351 Silver Street, Middletown, CT 06457. Only does intake during 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Telephone: (877) 402-2299 (Toll Free Voice); (860) 262-5030 (Voice); (860) 262-5066 (TTY). Email: Website:
Connecticut Veterans Legal Center: Helping veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare, and income. Address: 114 Boston Post Road West Haven, CT 06516 Telephone: (203) 794-4291. Website:
Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF): A statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women, girls, and their families to achieve equal opportunities in their personal and professional lives. Since 1973, CWEALF has utilized legal and public policy strategies and provided community education to promote gender equity and end sex discrimination at individual and societal levels. Mailing Address: 75 Charter Oak Avenue, Suite 1-300 Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 247-6090. Email: Website:
Consumer Law Project for Elders: Free legal help for seniors with consumer issues. People 60 years of age or older can call the CLPE Hotline if they have questions about their rights as a consumer (purchaser of goods or services), or a consumer problem. Seniors of any income or asset level, or people on their behalf, can call the CLPE Hotline. Telephone: (800) 296-1467 Website:
COPAA (Council of Parents, Attorneys, and Advocates): Provides a directory of special education attorneys in CT. Link:
CTLawHelp: Created by several nonprofit legal aid organizations to improve the lives of Connecticut residents by providing free information. Information includes Benefits & Social services, Debt & Collections, Family & Safety, Homes &Apartments, Immigration & Citizenship, Medical & Health Care, School & Education, seniors, Work & Unemployment, and other legal topics. Website:
Disability Rights Connecticut (DRCT): In addition to conducting investigations, educating policy makers, and challenging discriminatory barriers in court, we can help individuals with disabilities understand and exercise their rights. When you contact DRCT, you will be given information about disability rights, referred to experts and resources, empowered in your advocacy efforts, and provided representation consistent with DRCT’s mandates, priorities, and resources. The agency also provides public education and training and informs policymakers about issues affecting people with disabilities. Disability Rights Connecticut is located at 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114. Telephone: (860) 297-4300 (voice), (800) 842-7303 (Toll-Free in CT), (860) 509-4992 (videophone). Fax: (860) 296-0055 Email: Website:
File a Complaint against an Attorney: The grievance process is an investigation by the Statewide Grievance Council at the Connecticut Judicial Branch to decide if an attorney is guilty of misconduct. Address: Statewide Bar Counsel, Statewide Grievance Committee, 287 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 2, East Hartford, CT 06118-1885 Telephone: (860) 568-5157 Email: Website:
Guide to Disability Rights Laws by the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section: This guide provides an overview of Federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities. To find out more about how these laws may apply to you, contact the agencies and organizations listed. Website:
HEARD Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities: Supports Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and disabled (“deaf/disabled”) people at every stage of the criminal legal system process, up to and including during and after incarceration. Address: P.O. Box 1160, Washington, D.C. 20013. Telephone: 202-436-9278 (videophone) hotline hours are Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. EST and Thursdays 3-6 p.m. EST. Website:
Immigration Lawyer Search: Service provided by the American Immigration Lawyers Association as the only legal association in the United States for immigration attorneys. Telephone: 202-507-7600. Email: Link:
Inmate Legal Aid Program, Bansley Anthony, LLC: Provides legal assistance to inmates in civil matters involving terms and conditions of their confinement only. Inmate Legal Aid Program, Bansley Anthony, LLC, 265 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06510. Telephone: 866-311-4527 or 475-227-0710
Legal Clinics and Help: Information listed by the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch. Individuals interested in meeting with a volunteer attorney will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Website:
New Haven County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (LRS): Matching you with a pre-screened, qualified attorney from the State of Connecticut. For a $35 non-refundable processing fee, you will receive a free consultation for up to 30 minutes, after which the attorney will charge his or her regular rates. Those rates are not handled by the LRS and shall be discussed privately between you and the attorney. For personal assistance in identifying your legal issue and obtaining a referral to a local attorney, the hotline is open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Telephone: (203) 562-5750. Email: Website:
Office of the Victim Advocate: Promoting and protecting the constitutional and statutory rights of crime victims in Connecticut. Telephone: (888) 771-3126. Email: Website:
One Standard of Justice: Volunteer-based civil rights organization committed to ensuring that persons accused or convicted of sex offenses in Connecticut are treated constitutionally and fairly by the state before, during, and after their sentences. Telephone: (203) 680-0597. Email: Website:
Quinnipiac University School of Law Legal Clinic: Provides assistance with civil, health, family, and federal income tax matters. Address: 275 Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518. Telephone: (203) 582-5258 (Voice). Email: Website:
Statewide Legal Services: Statewide Legal Services (SLS): Provides free civil legal services to income-eligible people, in the form of direct representation in crisis situations, advice, referrals, and legal self-help materials. Assistance is provided in a variety of areas of law including the following: entitlements, Medicare, Social Security Disability, living wills, and the rights of elderly people and people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 453-3320 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY); (860) 344-0380 (Voice). Spanish-speaking staff available. Hotline hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Email: Website:
University of Connecticut School of Law Legal Clinic: Represents indigent individuals in criminal matters, asylum, human rights, mediation, intellectual property, and tax. Address: 45 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: Carmen Arroyo (860) 570-5400 (Voice). Email: Website:
VictimLaw: Searchable database of victims’ rights legal provisions including federal, state, and territorial statutes, tribal laws, state constitutional amendments, and more by the Office of Justice Programs. Website:
Yale University Law School Clinic – Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization: Links law students with individuals in need of legal help who cannot afford private attorneys. Contact: Yale Law School, P.O. Box 209090, New Haven, CT 06520-8215. Telephone: (203) 432-4800 (Voice). Website:
LGBTQIA+ & Disability
Blind LGBT Pride International: To promote the awareness, inclusion, and well-being of blind and vision-impaired LGBT people through education, advocacy, and peer support. Website:
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) – LGBTQ+ Services: Programs and Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning People with Mental Health and/or substance use disorders. Identifying safe space for people to be supported within treatment facilities. Website:
Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective: Services include information and referral to an LGBT-friendly doctor or mental health counselor, HIV resources, medical case management, STD-testing, dental program, and more. Address: (Main office) 1841 Broad St. Hartford, CT 06114. Telephone: 860-278-4163. Website:
Human Rights Campaign (HRC): America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality. Telephone: 202-628-4160. Fax: 202-347-5323. Email: Website:
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging: The country's first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults. Telephone: 212-741-2247. Fax: 212-366-1947. Email: Website:
New Haven Pride Center: The New Haven Pride Center’s Case Management and Support Services programming seeks to ensure that all LGBTQ+ individuals have secure housing, access to food, stable employment, legal assistance, health equity, and community support that they may need to thrive. Hosts multiple support groups such as: Aqui con VIH, and Neurodiverse Rainbow Support groups. Address: 84 Orange St. New Haven, CT 06511. Telephone: 203-387-2252 Email: Website:
Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf (RAD): A non-profit organization and to preserve, protect, and promote the civil, human, and linguistic rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (Deaf LGBT) individuals. Email: Website:
The Trevor Project: The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. Trained counselors are available to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call TrevorLifeline or go online to use the chat feature. Telephone 866-488-7386 (voice). Text: “START” to 678678. Link: Website:
Mental Health
A Practical Guide for Advanced Directives: A psychiatric or mental health advance directive (PAD) is a legal tool available in some states that allows a person with mental illness to state their preferences for treatment in advance of a crisis. They can serve as a way to protect a person’s autonomy and ability to self-direct care. They are similar to living wills and other medical advance planning documents used in palliative care. Website: For information regarding how to express your wishes under Connecticut law see the following: and
Advocacy Unlimited: Promotes the civil and human rights of people affected by psychiatry, addiction, and trauma. Address: 114 West Main St. New Britain, CT 06051. Telephone: 860-505-7581, 800-573-6929 (Toll free in CT). Fax: 860-259-6929. Email: Website:
Client Rights and Grievance Specialist: The Client Rights and Grievance Specialist promotes the use of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) Client Grievance Procedure by DMHAS facilities and covered service providers. Address: DMHAS Office of the Commissioner, 410 Capitol Avenue, 4th Floor, Hartford, CT 06134. Telephone: William Pierce 860-418-700 (Voice) Email: Website:
Connecticut Clearinghouse – Wheeler Clinic: A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness, and other related topics. Telephone: 860-793-9791, 800-232-4424 (Toll-free in CT). Website:
Connecticut Legal Rights Project (CLRP): A statewide non-profit agency that provides legal services to low-income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. . P.O. Box 351 Silver Street, Middletown, CT 06457. Only does intake during 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Telephone: 877-402-2299 (Toll Free Voice); 860-262-5030 (Voice); 860-262-5066 (TTY). Email: Website:
Connecticut Valley Hospital - Patient Advocates: Recovery and Consumer Affairs Department provides facility-wide coordination and oversight of patient advocacy and grievance procedures. They also facilitate recovery programming throughout the facility. This unit assigns Patient Advocates and Client Rights Officers to each Division. Telephone: 860-262-5642 Website:
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DHMAS) - ADA Notice: To request reasonable accommodation and/or effective communication for equal access to DMHAS services, programs, or activities or if you have a complaint a DMHAS service, program or activity is not accessible contact the facility Client Rights Officer (CRO). Telephone: 860-418-7000 List of CROs: Website:
Discrimination Complaint Guide for DHMAS-funded Services: If you believe that DMHAS has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with William Pierce, Client Rights and Grievance Specialist, 410 Capitol Avenue, MS#14COM, P.O. Box 341431, Hartford, CT 06134, 860-418-6933 TTY: 860-418-6707 or 888-621-3551 (toll-free); 860-418-6691 (fax), Link:
Grievance Form for DMHAS-funded services: Must be submitted to Client Rights Officer or designee. Include: What Happened, When and Where Did It Happen; Who Was Involved and Names of Any Witnesses. Link:
Medication - Rights of People with Psychiatric Disabilities: Complied by the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, information about involuntary medication, and informed consent. Website:
Mental Health Connecticut: Are you looking for information about mental health diagnoses, services or supports and don’t know where to turn? Contact MHC’s Information Line for the answers to your behavioral health questions. Telephone: 800-842-1501 Email: Website:
National Alliance on Mental Illness, Connecticut Chapter (NAMI-CT): Statewide organization for the families, friends, and individuals living with serious mental illness. NAMI provides support, education, information, and advocacy. Address: 576 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: 860-882-0236 (Voice); 800-215-3021 (Toll-Free). Website:
Nursing Home Transition: Do you feel unsure about returning to the community while being in a nursing home as a person with mental health needs? Contact the DHMAS Long Term Service and Supports division. Telephone: 860-262-6966. Fax: 860-262-5832. Email:
Patient’s Bill of Rights Pamphlet: The purpose of this flyer, developed by the Connecticut Legal Rights Project, is to provide the reader with a very basic description of the “Patients’ Bill of Rights” established under Connecticut law.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI): Under the PAIMI program, Disability Rights Connecticut provides legal and advocacy representation, investigation, monitoring, and other activities, to ensure the rights of individuals with mental illness under state and federal laws. DRCT is specifically required to investigate reports of abuse and neglect of persons with mental illness and other complaints raised by people with mental illness who reside in supervised facilities or community settings. PAIMI program staff advocates for appropriate discharge plans, consumer choice, and respectful, relevant supports. Address: Disability Rights Connecticut, 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114. Telephone: 800-842-7303 (toll-free in CT), 860-297-4300 (Voice), 860-509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Substance Abuse Treatment Transportation: DMHAS has established the 24/7 Access Line to facilitate access to substance abuse treatment. Individuals from anywhere in Connecticut may call to help with linkage to residential detox. Telephone: 800-563-4086 Website:
Warm Lines: Telephone services are staffed by people with psychiatric disabilities who offer phone support to their peers. These lines are not crisis lines and the hours of operation vary depending on which facility. For general questions about warm lines, please contact Cheri Bragg, Assistant Director, 860-418-6935 or email Website:
Native Americans
Connecticut Indian Council: Serving the tribal community of Connecticut with career assistance and job training. Address: 82 Norwich-Westerly Rd. North Stonington, CT 06359. Telephone: 860-535-1277. Email: Website:
Mohegan Tribe, Mohegan Community & Government Center: The Mohegan Tribe is a sovereign, federally-recognized Indian tribe situated with a reservation in Southeastern Connecticut. Address: 13 Crow Hill Toad Uncasville, CT 06382. Telephone: 800-664-3426 or 800-MOHEGAN Website:
Mashantucket (Western) Pequot Tribal Nation: It is one of the oldest, continuously occupied Indian reservations in North America. Address: Tribal Government Communications P.O. Box 3060 Mashantucket, CT 06338. Telephone: 860-396-6571 Email: Website:
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal National, Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program: Assists American Indians in Connecticut and Rhode Island with disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep good jobs. In addition to vocational rehabilitation services, we can include in your rehabilitation plan, traditional Native American services and supports. P.O. Box 3310 Mashantucket, CT 06338. Telephone: 866-399-112(toll-free) Email: Website:
Programs to Help Individuals with Disabilities Return to Work Brochure: Developed by the Protection and Advocacy for Native Americans with Disabilities. Link:
Seniors 60+
Area Agencies on Aging: allocates funds to elderly service providers through a request for proposal process. AAAs fund the following services:
Social Services
Nutritional Services
Disease Prevention & Health Promotion Services
Family Caregivers Support Services
Adult Day Care Aide Positions (to provide day care services to victims of Alzheimers’s Disease and related dementia)
Find the Area Agency on Aging in your area in Connecticut:
CHOICES (Connecticut’s Program for Health insurance assistance, Outreach, Information and referral, Counseling, and Eligibility Screening): Helps Connecticut’s older adults and persons with disabilities with Medicare understand their Medicare coverage and healthcare options. Information and referrals for a variety of programs (e.g. financial assistance, home care, housing, nursing homes, nutrition, transportation.) Eligibility screenings and application assistance for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid and Medicare Waivers, Energy Assistance, and more. Telephone: (800) 994-9422 Website:
Community First Choice (CFC): a federal initiative offered to active Medicaid members as part of the Affordable Care Act. This program allows individuals to receive supports and services in their home. Telephone: 2-1-1 (choose option 3) Website:
Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE): To be eligible, applicants must be 65 years of age or older, be a Connecticut resident, be at risk of nursing home placement and meet the program’s financial eligibility criteria. The CHCPE helps eligible clients continue living at home instead of going to a nursing home. Telephone: (800) 445-5394 (Toll-free), (860) 424-4904 (Voice). Website:
Consumer Law Project for Elders: Free legal help for seniors with consumer issues. People 60 years of age or older can call the CLPE Hotline if they have questions about their rights as a consumer (purchaser of goods or services), or a consumer problem. Seniors of any income or asset level, or people on their behalf, can call the CLPE Hotline. Telephone: (800) 296-1467 Website:
Long-Term Care Ombudsperson: Promotes and protects quality of life and care for skilled nursing home, residential care home and assisted living residents. Telephone: (860) 424-5200 Website:
Money Follows the Person (MFP): Are you or a loved one currently living in a nursing home or other long-term care facility? Do you want a choice in how and where you live? While you may not qualify for MFP, the program can still assist you in transitioning to the community or give you information on how to remain in the community. Telephone: (888) 992-8637 Website:
Nursing Home Transition: Do you feel unsure about returning to the community while being in a nursing home as a person with mental health needs? Contact the DHMAS Long Term Service and Supports division. Telephone: (860) 262-6966. Fax: (860) 262-5832. Email:
Protection Services for the Elderly: The Protective Services for the Elderly Program (PSE) is designed to safeguard people ages 60 years and older from physical, mental and emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, and /or financial abuse and exploitation. This includes allegations of abuse or neglect of residents in long-term care facilities. Telephone: In-State (888) 385-4225 (Toll-free), Out-of-State (800) 203-1234 (toll-free), After Hour Emergencies: In-State (2-1-1), Out-of-State (800) 203-1234. Website:
Statewide Legal Services: Provides free civil legal services to income-eligible people, in the form of direct representation in crisis situations, advice, referrals, and legal self-help materials. Assistance is provided in a variety of areas of law including the following: housing, family, special education, entitlements, energy assistance, Medicare, Social Security Disability, living wills, and the rights of elderly people and people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 453-3320 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY); (860) 344-0380 (Voice). Spanish-speaking staff available. Hotline hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Website:
Service Animals
ADA Update - A Primer for Small Business: Developed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section. General Nondiscrimination Requirements - Service Animals.
Animals in Shelters: It is the shelter provider’s responsibility to know the applicable laws to their shelter. This resource page is intended to provide information on best practices on working with individuals with assistance animals, including reasonable accommodations, HUD guidance, definitions, and more. Developed by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness Telephone: (860) 721-7876 Website:
Animal Assistors/Service Animals 2-1-1 Connecticut:
Assistance Animals for People with Disabilities in Housing and HUD-funded Programs:
Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO): receives and investigates complaints alleging discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and credit transactions. Where a violation is found, the CHRO will attempt to negotiate appropriate relief or bring the issues to a hearing. In most cases, complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination. All housing complaints are filed at CHRO’S Central Office. CHRO’s Central Office is located at 450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 2, Hartford, CT 06103. Telephone: (860) 541-3400 (Voice); (860) 541-3459 (TTY); (800) 477-5737 (Toll-Free in CT, Voice/TTY). Website:
Connecticut Fair Housing Center: A statewide, private, non-profit organization dedicated to removing barriers to housing choices. They provide information, education, and training on fair housing laws, investigation, and testing of discrimination complaints, attorney referrals, technical assistance; research, and consulting services. Address: 60 Popieluszko Court, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (888) 247-4401 (Toll-Free Voice). Email: Website:
Job Accommodation Network - Service Animals: Service Animals as Workplace Accommodations. Telephone: (800) 526-7234 (Voice), (877) 781-9403 (TTY). Website:
Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Request Letter Generator: This website will help you create a letter asking your landlord for a change in a rule or policy or for permission to make changes to your apartment. (860) 247-4400 Website:
Right to Emotional Support Animals in “No Pet” Housing and Sample Letter: Factsheet created by the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. Emotional support and service animals are not considered "pets," but rather assistive aids, the law will generally require the landlord to make an exception to its "no pet" policy so that a tenant with a disability can fully use and enjoy his or her dwelling. Telephone: (202) 467-5730. Email: Link:
Service Animals Fact Sheet: Developed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section. Link:
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals: Developed by the Americans with Disabilities Act National Network. Informational Booklet about where are they allowed and under what conditions.
Social Security
Applying for Social Security Benefits: You can complete an application for Retirement, Spouse's, Medicare or Disability Benefits online. Telephone: (800) 772-1213 (Voice), (800) 325-0778 (TTY) Website:
Children’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - Application Assistance: Children’s SSI is a program of the Social Security Administration. This program is for severely disabled children of very limited financial means. Securing SSI benefits for children may be extremely complex. For inquiries for assistance on filling out the application, contact the Center for Children’s Advocacy, Medical-Legal Partnership Project. Telephone: Bonnie Roswig (860) 545-8581 Email: Website:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For Representative Payees: A representative payee is a person or an organization. We appoint a payee to receive the Social Security or SSI benefits for anyone who can’t manage or direct the management of his or her benefits. Website:
Lawyer Referral Service: a project of the Connecticut Bar Association can suggest a private attorney who, for a nominal consultation fee, will assess a case and provide an estimate of charges. Telephone: (860) 223-4400 Website:
Overpayments - SSI/SSDI: An overpayment is when you receive more money for a month than the amount you should have been paid. The amount of your overpayment is the difference between the amount you received and the amount due. Telephone: (800) 772-1213 (Voice), (800) 325-0778 (TTY) Website:
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS): Under the PABSS program, Disability Rights Connecticut staff provide information and advice about vocational rehabilitation and other employment services as well as advocacy assistance, legal representation and other services necessary for a Social Security Beneficiary to secure or regain employment. Individuals who receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are eligible for services. Address: Disability Rights Connecticut, 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Red Book – Social Security Administration: Summary Guide to Employment Supports for Persons with disabilities under the Social Security Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs. Link:
Representative Payee Financial Exploitation: If you feel the Representative Payee has in some fashion misused the benefits being issued for the beneficiary through Social Security i.e. SSI/SSDI, contact the Fraud Hotline. Provide as much identifying information as possible regarding the suspect. Such information should include:
Name of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Social Security Number of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Date of birth of the Representative Payee and the beneficiary
Details regarding the allegation, such as when it happened, how the abuse was committed, and where the abuse took place
Telephone: (800) 269-0271 (voice); (866) 501-2101 (TTY). Link:
Social Security Office Locator: Search by zipcode
SSI/SSDI Benefits Counseling: If you receive disability cash or medical benefits (such as Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, State Supplement, Medicare and/or Medicaid), you may be able to work and still receive benefits. To find the Benefits Specialist closest to you call: (800) 773-4636. Website:
Statewide Legal Services: provides free civil legal services to income-eligible people, in the form of direct representation in crisis situations, advice, referrals, and legal self-help materials. Assistance is provided in a variety of areas of law including the following: entitlements, Medicare, Social Security Disability, living wills, and the rights of elderly people and people with disabilities. Telephone: (800) 453-3320 (Toll-Free Voice/TTY); (860) 344-0380 (Voice). Spanish-speaking staff available. Hotline hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Website:
Ticket-to-Work Service Provider Search: Ticket-to-Work service providers offer Social Security disability beneficiaries (persons who receive SSI or SSDI) age 18 through 64 who want to work with free job support. Services offered may include job coaching, job counseling, training, benefits counseling, and job placement. You may search by zip code, services offered, disability type, languages spoken and provider type. Telephone: (866) 968-7842 Website:
Special Education
Autism Services & Resources Connecticut: As the state leader in advocacy, training and family support, ASRC is here to enhance the lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as well as their families. Address: 101 North Plains Industrial Road, Harvest Park, Wallingford, CT 06492. Telephone: (203) 265-7717 Email: Website:
Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: Posted by the U.S. Department of Education.
“Before, During, & After the PPT Meeting” Checklist
Birth-to-Three Program: A statewide early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. The system includes a range of services for children from birth to 36 months, such as home visits, therapies, developmental evaluation, parent support, and health services depending on the needs of the child and their family. INFOLINE (211) serves as the access point for the program. For information or to make a referral to the program, call: (800) 505-7000 (Toll-free, Voice/TTY). If you are already in Birth-to-Three, call (866) 888-4188 Website:
Building a Bridge: A Transition Manual for High School Students
Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations (2018): Compiled by the Connecticut State Department of Education
Connecticut Bureau of Special Education: The Connecticut State Board of Education believes that all students, including students with exceptionalities, are unique and influenced by cultural, linguistic, intellectual, psychological, health and economic factors. Address: Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, P.O. Box 2219, Hartford, CT 06145. Telephone: (860) 713-6910 Website:
Connecticut Department of Education Bullying and Harassment: For Complaints regarding Bullying, based or not based on protected classes (such as race, sex, religion and sexual orientation) and other acts of bias and discrimination. Telephone: (860) 713-6795 Website:
Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN): Exists to help families raising children with disabilities and special healthcare needs through the life span. Address: 377 Hubbard St. #1, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Telephone: (877) 376-2329 Email: Website:
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC): Statewide nonprofit organization established to inform parents of children with disabilities about special education rights and procedures, and to provide information and referral services for any problems related to the education of their children. CPAC is the federally designated CT parent training and information center. Services include workshops for parents, in-service training for professionals, a newsletter, resource collection and individual assistance. Spanish-speaking staff is available. Address: 338 Main Street, Niantic, CT 06357. Telephone: (860) 739-3089 (Voice) or (800) 445-2722 (Toll-Free Voice). Email: Website:
Creating Access at Graduation Events: Graduation season is a busy time for Disability Service Offices, and many professionals have questions about providing communication access at graduation ceremonies. Link:
Creating Access in Foreign Language Classes: Information on how both students and staff can work together to achieve successful access and accommodations for these courses. Link:
Creating Access at Internships and Field Experiences: Field experiences, such as internships, practicums, and clinicals, offer students the opportunity to gain the real-world knowledge and skills they need to become gainfully employed. Deaf students have a right to these opportunities and experiences in the same manner as their hearing peers. Link:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support for Families: Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN) has a program to support the Deaf and hard of hearing members in Connecticut. CTFSN gathers and shares resources with families of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. We try to hold support groups, trainings, events and encourage families to connect with one another. Join the email distribution list and Facebook group. Contact the Statewide Deaf/Hard of Hearing Family Support Coordinator, Heather Solomon. Telephone: (860) 564-7935 Email: Website:
Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut: Statewide nonprofit organization supporting families and individuals in Connecticut who live with down syndrome through friendship, education, and advocacy. Telephone: (888) 486-8537 Email: Website:
Easing into Secondary Transition - A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut: is an opportunity for educators, students and families throughout Connecticut to identify and access these secondary transition planning resources.
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Student Transition Resources – PreK to Kindergarten:
New IEP/CT-SEDS - The Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), is implementing a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) document and the Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS) in the 2022-23 school year. This page will provide up-to-date information, documents, and tools to assist in the roll-out of the new IEP.
The 2020 Connecticut IEP Manual -
Incident Report of Physical Restraint at School Form (2018):
Incident Report of Seclusion form, Connecticut State Department of Education:
Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education: The Office for Civil Rights enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. A complaint of discrimination can be filed by anyone who believes that an education institution that receives Federal financial assistance has discriminated against someone on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. Mailing Address: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202. Telephone: (202) 401-2000. Email: Website:
Parent’s Guide to Special Education in Connecticut (2007):
Parental Notification of the Laws Relating to the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in the Public Schools (2018):
Referral to Determine Eligibility for Special Education and Related Services Form:
Secondary Transition – Planning from School to Adult Life: Describes an overview of transition services in Connecticut, including the secondary transition planning process, as well as information and links for secondary transition professional learning opportunities. Telephone: Alycia Trakas, Education Consultant (860) 713-6932 Email: Website:
SPEDConnecticut: Providing a helping hand to navigate the special education system for families. Telephone: (860) 560-1711 Email: Website:
State Education Resource Center (SERC): Formerly known as the Special Education Resource Center. SERC is a quasi-public agency primarily funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education. SERC provides professional development and information dissemination in the latest research and best practices to educators, service providers, and families throughout the state, as well as job-embedded technical assistance and training within schools, programs, and districts. The agency continues to maintain the Special Education Resource Center in addition to its broader responsibilities, including early childhood education and school improvement. Address: SERC, 100 Roscommon Drive, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 Telephone: (860) 632-1485 (Voice). Website:
Special Education Due Process Complaint Form for the Department of Special Education: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, the federal special education law) establishes the requirement that State Education Agencies adopt written procedures for the investigation and resolution of any complaint which alleges that an education agency has violated a requirement of the IDEA. Complaints and questions regarding the Complaint Resolution Process should be directed to the Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard P.O. Box 2219 Hartford, CT 06145-2219. Telephone: (860) 713-6928 Link:
Special Education Administrative Complaint Form for the Department of Special Education: This is a recommended form for the filing of special education complaints. You do not have to use this form to file a complaint although it will help you to include the required information. Questions may be directed to Bureau of Special Education. Address: P.O. Box 2219 – Unit 604, Hartford, CT 06145-2219. Telephone: (860) 713-6928 Fax: (860) 713-7153. Link: State Complaint Form ( | Formulario de Reclamación (
Students Who Have Been Expelled: Standards for educational opportunities for students who have been expelled. Once the student is admitted to an alternative education placement due to expulsion, an ILP must be developed to govern the programming for the student for the period of the expulsion. Website:
Transition IEP Goals and Activities to Prepare for Inclusive Postsecondary Education: Created by Think College
211 Transportation Resources: Resources to transportation programs and services. Telephone: 2-1-1 Website:
Aira Pilot Program: As part of the ongoing effort by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and the Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS) to create the best public transit experiences for Connecticut, we are pleased to offer a link to Aira, an app and service that connects passengers who are blind or have low vision with live, personal agents who describe their surroundings for them. At the touch of a button on your smartphone, an Aira agent delivers instant access to visual information, enhancing everyday efficiency, engagement, and independence. The Aira service, via the Access Offer, is also intended to be used for accessing essential services like grocery shopping, medical appointments, scheduling a vaccine, or confirming social distance. For more information, visit the link at: Aira - CTrides.
Airline Travel Toll-Free Hotline for Travelers with Disabilities: The hotline will provide general information to consumers about the rights of air travelers with disabilities, respond to requests for printed consumer information, and assist air travelers with time-sensitive disability-related issues that need to be addressed in "real time." Effective October 1, 2006, the hours for the hotline are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday except federal holidays. Air travelers who experience disability-related air travel service problems may call the hotline to obtain assistance. Telephone: 800-778-4838 (voice), 800-455-9880 (TTY) Website:
Airline Travel Discrimination Complaint: If an individual believes that he or she has been subjected to treatment by an airline that violates the requirements of the Air Carrier Access Act or the rule and would like DOT to investigate the complaint, that person may submit a complaint to the Department's Aviation Consumer Protection Division. Link to an online complaint: Website:
Assistance on navigating the transportation system in Connecticut: WayToGo Connecticut serves the 37 towns in the Greater Hartford Area in North Central Connecticut to help you navigate the transportation system. Telephone: (860) 667-6207 Email: Website:
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS): Connecticut’s BRS is funded federally by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and the Rehabilitation Services Administration. Its goal is to help the state’s disabled find and maintain employment. It offers disability grants for those requiring special transportation to go into work and other support. Telephone: (860) 424-4844 (Voice); (800)-537-2549 (Toll-Free Voice); (860) 920-7163 (Video Phone). Email: Website:
Action Treatment Rides: Every day thousands of cancer patients need a ride to treatment, but some may not have a way to get there. The American Cancer Society Road To Recovery program provides transportation to and from treatment for people with cancer who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves. Telephone: (800) 227-2345 Website:
Connecticut ADA Paratransit Resource center Application Form: The purpose of the Paratransit Application is to determine eligibility for Connecticut complementary ADA Paratransit service. Telephone: (203) 365-8522 ext. 2061 Website:
Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD): The Connecticut CDD works tirelessly to provide access to education, meaningful work and community life for people with developmental disabilities. If you or a family member has a condition classified as a developmental disability, the Council may help fund your wheelchair van with a grant. Address: 460 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106-1308. Telephone: (860) 418-6160; (800) 653-1134. Website:
Connecticut Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA): VAs around the nation work to support veterans. If you’re a disabled veteran living in Connecticut, this is your source for help. The VA often awards grants to meet the mobility needs of veterans injured in the line of duty. Money may also be available if you have a disability that was only aggravated during service, or if it came about during (or was exacerbated by) VA care. Address: 287 West Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Telephone: (860) 616-3600. Website:
Connecticut Mobility Ombudsman: Helps to connect people with disabilities, seniors, and veterans with accessible, reliable transportation so that they are able to participate in their communities. Find the regional center in your area. Website:
Connecticut Tech Act Project (CTTAP): Dedicated to getting assistive technology to the disabled and elderly Connecticut residents who need it for full participation in school, work and community life. They teach you how to use equipment and even lend it out temporarily, and they can help you secure financial aid for the assistive technologies you could benefit from. Address: 25 Sigourney Street, 11th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106. Telephone: (860) 424-4881; (800) 537-2549. Website:
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): With regard to requiring an accommodation in order to access DMV’s Facilities, programs or services, individuals should contact the Building Superintendent of Facilities at (860) 263-5326. If there’s a need for a modification for effective communication to access services offered by DMV, including sign language, interpreters, and documents in Braille, then individuals should contact the ADA Coordinator, Natalie Shipman, at (860) 263-5264. Website:
Department of Transportation, Public Transportation list of services:|#40587
Disabled American Veterans Department of Connecticut (DAV): Provides claim service through the National Service Office located at the VA Medical Center in Newington, and provides transportation to veterans going to their medical appointment at the VA Medical Centers in Newington and West Haven. Telephone: (860) 529-1759 Website:
FAQs on Permanent Parking Permits for People with Disabilities: Developed by the Department of Motor Vehicles.|51707|#51717
FAQs for Physicians, “What qualifies a person for Disabled parking?”:|51707|#51718
How to obtain a Non-Driver Photo ID: FAQs on Permanent Parking Permits for People with Disabilities by the Department of Motor Vehicles|51707|#51717
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT): For Medicaid members who need to get to and from Medicaid-covered medical services but have no means of transportation. Telephone: (855) 478-7350 Website:
Reduced Fare Transit Photo ID Card Application:
Substance Abuse Treatment Transportation: DMHAS has established the 24/7 Access Line to facilitate access to substance abuse treatment. Individuals from anywhere in Connecticut may call to help with linkage to residential detox. Telephone: (800) 563-4086 Website:
TransitNet: Created by the Arc of Connecticut, this website aims to give people with disabilitlies, older adults, caregivers, and providers who want to earn more about what transportation options are available for them in Connecticut. Telephone: (203) 594-7713 Email: Website:
Veyo Transportation: A program to assist HUSKY Health Medicaid members in getting to and from their healthcare appointments. Telephone: (855) 478-7350 Website:
Traumatic Brain Injury
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Medicaid Waiver: The program is designed to assist participants to relearn, improve or retain the skills needed to live successfully in the community. The program follows the principles of person-centered planning to develop an adequate, appropriate and cost-effective plan of care from a menu of home and community-based services to achieve personal outcomes that support the individual's ability to live in his/her community of choice. Address: Department of Social Services 55 Farmington Ave. Hartford, CT 06105. Telephone: (800) 445-5394 (Press option 1 for English or option 2 for Spanish, and then Press option 5 for the ABI Waiver.) Website: *If you need assistance due to a disability to fill out the DSS application or maintain benefits, contact the ADA coordinator or by calling (860) 424-5040. Additional contact person: or by calling (860) 424-5501.
Brainline: A national multimedia project offering information and resources about preventing, treating, and living with TBI. Telephone: (703) 998-2020 Website:
Brain Injury Alliance Connecticut (BIAC): Helps people in Connecticut who have a brain injury and their families. They provide case consultation, referral and advocacy services, educational prevention programs, in-service programs, and recreational social opportunities. Address: 200 Day Hill Road, Suite 250, Windsor, CT 06095, Telephone: (860) 219-0291 (Voice). Help Line: (800) 278-TBIA (8242). Email: Website:
DMHAS Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Services: The mission of the ABI Community Services is to facilitate person-centered recovery and encourage personal empowerment for persons living with acquired brain injury and mental illness. Services can include: Consultation Services, ABI Substance Abuse Services, Training and Education, and Advocacy Supports. Telephone: (800) 262-6725 Website:
Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI): PATBI is funded by a grant from the United State Department of Health and Human Services that provides education, advocacy representation and legal assistance to individuals with acquired or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Address: Disability Rights Connecticut, 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Road to Rehabilitation after Brain Injury - Your GPS for Navigating CT’s Healthcare, Social Service and Disability System: Developed by the Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut. Website:
Traumatic Brain Injury in Prisons and Jails Sheet: Developed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Website:
Adapted Housing Grants for Disabled Veterans: VA offers monetary assistance to Veterans with specific service-connected physical disabilities, so they can construct or modify a home to best meet their needs. Telephone: (800) 827-1000 Email: Website:
Connecticut Veterans Legal Center: Helping veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare and income. Address: 114 Boston Post Road West Haven, CT 06516 Telephone: (203) 794-4291. Website:
Disabled American Veterans Department of Connecticut (DAV): Provides claim service through the National Service Office located at the VA Medical Center in Newington, and provides transportation to veterans going to their medical appointment at the VA Medical Centers in Newington and West Haven. Telephone: (860) 529-1759 Website:
Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA): Provides assistance to veterans, their spouses or eligible dependents in obtaining rights, benefits and privileges to which they may be entitled under federal, state and local laws. Counseling is provided to Connecticut veterans concerning the availability of educational training and retraining facilities, health, medical, rehabilitation, and housing facilities and services; services for veterans who may have been exposed to herbicide during military action; and VA benefits for nursing home care. The agency also assists in establishment, preparation, and presentation of claims to rights, benefits or privileges accrued to veterans. Address: 287 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Telephone: (860) 616-3600 (Voice). Website:
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Veterans Recovery Center (VRC): Co-located with the Department of Veterans Affairs and offers individualized outpatient recovery services. Telephone: (860) 616-3832 Website:
Disabled American Veterans Department of Connecticut (DAV): Provides claim service through the National Service Office located at the VA Medical Center in Newington, and provides transportation to veterans going to their medical appointment at the VA Medical Centers in Newington and West Haven. Address: 35 Cold Spring Road Suite 315 Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Telephone: (860) 529-1759 Website:
Homeless Services for Veterans: Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness—and their family members, friends and supporters—can make the call to or chat online with the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans, where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Telephone: (203) 479-8064 (Local); (877) 424-3838 (National) Website:
Information about Employment Discrimination for Veterans: File a complaint to Commission of Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) within 180 days of the incident. Telephone: (800) 477-5737 Website:
Military Support Program (MSP): Addressing the behavioral health needs of National Guard and Reserve personnel affected by deployment in Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom for veterans and their families. Telephone: 866-251-2913 Website:
Office of Advocacy and Assistance - Veteran Services: Assists with benefits counseling, VA disability claims, pension advocacy, nursing home benefits, and discharge records. Telephone: (866) 928-8387 Website:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – Hartford Regional Office: Administers a variety of services, including compensation, pension, and vocational rehabilitation and employment for Veterans, Service members, their families and survivors in Connecticut. Address: 555 Willard Ave. Newington, CT 06111 Telephone: (800) 827-1000, 860-563-8800 Email: Website:
Veterans Crisis Line: Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one? Telephone: (800) 273-8255 and press 1, text 838255, support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (800) 799-4889.
Veteran Services - Connecticut Department of Labor: Veterans may receive reemployment services from trained staff at American Job Centers (AJCs) throughout the state, which include five comprehensive centers and several smaller, affiliate locations. Telephone: (860) 263-6016 Website:
Absentee Voting: The absentee ballot is an important way that registered voters may cast their vote if they are unable to appear at the polling place on the day of a primary, election or referendum. Telephone (860) 509-6200 Website:
ADA Polling Place Checklist: This document is an updated technical assistance publication on polling place accessibility for voters with disabilities. Website:
ASL Voter Assistance Hotline: It is very important that you vote and we know that voting information can be confusing and unclear. You can ask questions and get answers — in ASL! Telephone: (301) 818-8683 Website:
Connecticut Accessible Ballot System: This system accommodates voters with impaired vision, restricted mobility, limited fine motor skills, or a wide range of cognitive, literacy, and literacy abilities.
Connecticut Voter Registration Look up: Click on the link to see if you are a registered voter in the state of Connecticut.
Election Day Hotline: Anyone encountering election-related problems can contact the Election Day hotline. Telephone: (866) 733-2463 Email: Website:
Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access (PAVA): Works to ensure that a wide range of individuals with disabilities participate in the electoral process through voter education, training of poll officials, registration drives, polling place accessibility surveys, Election Day monitoring, and other activities related to the voting rights of people with disabilities in Connecticut. Address: Disability Rights Connecticut, 846 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Telephone: (800) 842-7303 (toll-free in CT), (860) 297-4300 (Voice), (860) 509-4992 (Videophone). Email: Website:
Register to Vote Online: State of Connecticut’s Online Voter Registration System. Website:
Restoring Voting Rights to Convicted Felons Sheet:
Rev-Up: Engages in nonpartisan activities to increase the political power of the disability community while also engaging candidates and the media on disability issues. REV UP stands for Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! Telephone: (202) 521-4316. Website:
Voters with Disabilities Information Sheet: This material is designed to provide basic information to the voters of Connecticut by the Secretary of the State, please contact the office if you have any additional questions. Telephone: (860) 509-6100. Website:
Resource page last reviewed: March 2020.