Field of red, gray, teal, blue and yellow arrows on a white background. Mixed within the arrows are diverse images of people with disabilities in workplace settings.

Advancing Access & Equity, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Celebrating 50 years of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Office of Disability emPLOYMENT policy of the united states departMENT of labor

Un campo de flechas rojas, grises, azuladas, azules y amarillas sobre fondo blanco. Mezcladas entre las flechas hay diversas imágenes de personas con discapacidades en entornos laborales.

Avanzando el Acceso y la Igualdad, Mes Nacional de Concientización Sobre el Empleo de Personas con Discapacidades, Celebración de los 50 años de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, Oficina de Política de Empleo para Discapacitados, Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos

The Office of Disability Employment Policy recognizes
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) each October
to commemorate the many contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy.
The theme for NDEAM 2023 is “Advancing Access and Equity.” 
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) | U.S. Department of Labor (

Remote work

In the United States, 26% of adults have some kind of disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For many, remote work has been more accessible as offices often lack situation-specific accommodations.

Click here to read the article:
Remote work made life easier for many people with disabilities. They want the option to stay | CNN

Job Accommodation Network

Accommodation and Compliance Series by Disability Publications & Articles (

Disability Disclosure and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Disability Disclosure (

How to Request an Accommodation Accommodation Form Letter (

What does the interactive process look like? Interactive Process (

The disability inclusion advantage in employment:

“Persons with disabilities have to be creative to adapt to the world around them. As such, they develop strengths such as problem-solving skills, agility, persistence, forethought, and a willingness to experiment—all of which are essential for innovation.”

Click here to read more of this disability employment report:
Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage | Accenture

American Job Centers (AJC)

The American Job Center (AJC) system is a partnership of organizations that provide workforce assistance to job seekers and employers. This collaboration of state, regional, and local organizations helps prepare and train workers and offers services that help business and industry find talent. AJCs have services for everyone, regardless of employment status.

Click here to: Find your local American Job Center

Click here for: Free Workshops available at AJC’s

CT Hires houses all the resources you need to find a job in Connecticut. Search jobs, create a resume & find training.

Can I work and still receive Social security benefits?

Working While Disabled: How We Can Help (
Click here for a PDF version
Click here for: Audio File

Ticket to Work (
Click here for a PDF version
Click here for Audio file